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- Trampoline Sprinkler Hanging Hose
Trampoline Sprinkler Hanging Hose
Trampoline Sprinkler Hanging Hose
Trampoline Sprinkler Hanging Hose
Trampoline Sprinkler - Kids Trampoline Sprinkler Outdoor Spray Water Park Fun Summer Outdoor Water Games Yard Toys Sprinkler
AJ-105W DEAR DEER wing hanging sprinkler hose used as a Trampoline Sprinkler: single sprinkler hose with a wing beside at one edge. There are some hanging holes punched on the wing. We can tie with cable ties through the holes at wing and hang on the wall of trampoline. Trampoline Sprinkler can spray the water inside around the trampoline. This Trampoline Sprinkler make an outdoor spray water park. Let kids have fun summer outdoor. Boys and girls can jump and play water games inside the trampoline. This yard toys sprinkler let backyard changed as an water park for your children.
This Trampoline Sprinkler has wing with hole to tie at the trampoline quickly and keep the spray of water keep the direction you want, not to move away.
US design patent No. of our wing hang trampoline sprinkler : US D842,968 S
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AJ-104S Short Wings Sprinkler Hose, sprinkler tape, rain tape, rain pipe, rain hose, spray tube, soaker hose, kansui tube, selang irigasi, irrigation hose
DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose for Farm Irrigation and garden irrigation. In the field of Taiwanese manufacturing, AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. stands as a distinguished provider of quality farm implements and irrigation systems for over four decades. Presenting the DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose, the company sets its sights on solving the farmer’s irrigation troubles. The progress of Irrigation: DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose The DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose emerges as a progress product in the field of irrigation. The sprinkler hose (rain pipe) takes the form of a flat hose drilled with numerous pores designed for micro-irrigation. Remarkably thin and operational even under low water pressure, the hose showcases exceptional energy efficiency. When positioned on the ground, it releases water in an upward spray pattern, ensuring even and effective irrigation. The Advantages of Sprinkler Hose (rain pipe) Irrigation Compared to traditional drip tape irrigation systems, the sprinkler hose irrigation system has many benefits: Ease of Setup and Maintenance The installation and maintenance of the sprinkler hose system are very easy. Setting up the system is a breeze, and rolling it up with our roll device for storage is equally uncomplicated. This system's straightforward design minimizes clogs and simplifies the process of clearing any blockages that may occur. Durability and nature imitation The durability of the sprinkler hose is evident in its Anti-UV treatment and low- pressure operation. The gentle falling from spraying of sprinkler hose watering the crops like a drizzle. While the single flat hose (rain pipe) design offers numerous advantages, certain limitations persist. Overcoming Challenges with DEAR DEER Short Wings Recognizing the challenges faced by farmers using traditional single sprinkler hose (rain pipe) systems, AN JARL has devised an innovative solution. The DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose comes equipped with two short wings placed at the hose's edges. These wings serve multiple purposes: Protection: The wings shield the main hose from potential scratches or animal bites, safeguarding its integrity and longevity. Stability: Preventing twisting or turning, the wings ensure the hose remains steady during operation, directing water accurately. Efficient Irrigation: By maintaining the correct hose orientation, the wings enable precise water distribution, enhancing irrigation effectiveness and all crops health. Also, it decreases a lot of tiresome works, labor cost wastes, and prevents farmers from wet all over due to patrol for correcting hose orientation in the field. Pioneering Solutions, Not Just Products At AN JARL, the commitment goes beyond mere product provision – it's about offering holistic solutions. The DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose epitomizes this philosophy. It presents a comprehensive answer to the challenges faced by modern farmers and gardeners. The Path Forward with AN JARL Embracing the future of efficient and affordable irrigation, AN JARL's DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is a determination of their dedication to customer satisfaction. As the agricultural landscape evolves, so must irrigation methods. The introduction of the DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose marks a significant stride towards effective and clever farming practices. AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. has once again showcased their commitment to innovation and sustainable solutions, improving the way to irrigate crops and gardens. To delve deeper into this product and explore AN JARL's other offerings, simply reach out to deardeer@anja.com.tw for more information. FAQs about DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose What is the primary function of the DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose? The primary function of this innovative hose is to provide efficient and accurate irrigation for farms and gardens. How does the sprinkler hose system compare to traditional drip tape irrigation? Unlike drip tape systems, the sprinkler hose offers easy setup, maintenance, and protection against clogs. What sets the DEAR DEER Short Wings apart from standard sprinkler hoses (rain pipe)? The DEAR DEER Short Wings Irrigation Sprinkler Hose boasts added wings that enhance stability, protection, and precise water distribution. Can the DEAR DEER Short Wings Sprinkler Hose withstand harsh agricultural conditions? Yes, the hose is designed with durability in mind, ensuring reliable performance even in challenging environments. For example, using river water to provide adequate irrigation for the crops on dry sandy soils where the sandbar is prone to water seepage. How can I learn more about AN JARL's irrigation solutions? For more information about the DEAR DEER Short Wings and other innovative products, email deardeer@anja.com.tw. AJ-104S ショートウィング灌漑用散水チューブ:農地と庭園の灌漑を進化する 導入 効率的な灌漑システムの分野において、AJ-104S ショートウィング灌漑用散水チューブは、従来の単一の灌漑用散水ホースの不利な点を克服するために使用される費用対効果の高い製品として登場しています。この記事では、この散水チューブが、農地と庭園の灌漑においてどのような重要な役割を果たしているかを探り、その多くの利点を提供します。 単一の灌漑用散水チューブの不利な点 単一の灌漑用散水チューブ、別名雨管、雨テープ、またはマイクロスプレーチューブとしても知られています。この伝統的な灌漑用散水チューブは、基本的には薄い壁の平らな単一チューブで、微細な孔から水を霧雨状に散布します。 これらのチューブは仕事をこなすことができましたが、いくつかの欠点がありました。水を充填すると、円筒形に膨らんでしまい、脇を向くが生じやすくなります。その結果、孔からの水は望まない場所にしばしば到達し、水が散布される状況を田畑の作業員が常に巡回して確認し、修正しなければなりません。これはとても労苦な作業です。 さらに、これらの薄壁チューブは、ホース本体の側部で損傷しやすいという問題も抱えていました。田畑にある石やその他の物体が簡単に擦り傷をつけ、ネズミなどの動物がかじる可能性がありました。これは維持費用の増加だけでなく、灌漑システムの効果を損なうことにもつながりました。 AJ-104S ショートウィング灌漑用散水チューブの紹介 AJ-104S ショートウィング灌漑用散水チューブは、農地と庭園の水やりの方法を豊かにします。これは、伝統的な単一の灌漑用散水チューブの不利な点を克服するために設計されたソリューションです。メインの散水チューブの両側に2つのショートウィングを装備しており、正確な水分配とチューブの保護に重要な役割を果たしています。 その独自のデザインと特徴により、AJ-104S ショートウィング灌漑用散水チューブは、水分配、費用対効果、およびメンテナンスの容易さの点でいくつかの利点を提供しています。 AJ-104S ショートウィング灌漑用散水チューブの利点 これらのショートウィングは、チューブが脇を向くたりするのを防ぎます。これにより、孔からの水が必要な場所に正確に向けられるため、田畑を常に巡回し調整する必要がなくなり、労働コストが大幅に削減され、作業員は乾いたままでいられます。 AJ-104S ショートウィング灌漑用散水チューブの機能は、姉妹品であるAJ-104 ウィング灌漑用散水チューブほどパフォーマンスが充実していませんが、より予算にやさしい価格で基本的な保護と安定性を提供しています。 費用対効果の高い霧雨状散水 灌漑用散水チューブのシステム、特にAJ-104S モデルの最も魅力的な側面の1つは、その費用対効果の高さです。このシステムは、その手順で以下のいくつかの主要な領域で優れたパフォーマンスを発揮します。 簡単な取り付け:散水チューブ灌漑システムの設置は非常に簡単であり、設置中に時間と費用を節約できます。 低いメンテナンス:メンテナンスは簡略化されており、詰まりが少なく、詰まりの解消が容易で、複雑なろ過システムの必要が最小限です。 迅速な汚れの除去:孔が詰まるのを防ぐため、定期的なメンテナンスは散水チューブの端部クリップを開け、蓄積した汚れを洗い流すだけの簡単な作業です。 あらゆる土地タイプへの適用可能性 灌漑散水チューブは、幅広い農業ニーズに対応し、そのさまざまなタイプと散水孔のパターンにより、オープンフィールド、砂地、温室、ネットハウスなど、異なる作物と農地のタイプに適しています。 さらに、このマイクロスプレーシステムは、短時間で増加した水供給を求める作物の育苗園や、スイカ、メロン、野菜、にんじん、アスパラガス、芝生などの植物に特に有益です。 AJ-104S shot wings sprinkler hose: It is for the purpose of saving cost and dimension than AJ-104. The 2 wings at both edges of main sprinkler hose are shorter. Its wings protection and stability of spray direction are not as good as AJ-104 but still acceptable if the cost is more important.. Irrigation sprinkler hose also named as rain pipe, rain tape, spray tube etc. It is a flat hose with many pores on the hose to spray water mistily. Its hose wall is thin and operates in low water pressure, low energy consuming. In addition the sprinkler hose irrigation system is easy to install, easy to maintain, easy plug clearing. That makes the sprinkler hose irrigation system is the lowest cost irrigation compared with other irrigation systems. This system can operate without filters at head if the water is not very dirty. It only needs to open the end clip of sprinkler hose sometimes and flush out dirt inside the hose. Even if the pores are blocked very much it can be washed the inside of hose with brushing cloth. The way is let brushing cloth plug into hose and let water push it throughout the hose. This way can clean inside adhesion dirt at pores. But the thin wall flat hose may be scratched while it lay on ground. Also the animals at field such as rat may bite it and make it broken. AJ-104 short wings sprinkler hose has basic protection from destroy.Maximizing Shallow-rooted Plants Irrigation Efficiency with Sprinkler Hose Under Mulch Film
Maximizing Shallow-rooted Plants Irrigation Efficiency with Sprinkler Hose Under Mulch Film Use right technique to get efficient irrigation are crucial to ensure optimal shallow-rooted plants growth and maximize yields. One such innovative method that has gained prominence in recent years is the use of sprinkler hose under mulch film. This irrigation approach not only conserves water but also offers a multitude of benefits for crop health and overall yield. Here we explore the advantages and step-by-step instructions for implementing this efficient irrigation system. The Efficiency Challenge Most crops, especially shallow-rooted plants, often face challenges when it comes to traditional drip irrigation. Drip irrigation systems penetrate vertically into the soil, and the water tends to seep too deep for the shallow roots to absorb efficiently. This results in wasted water resources, as the roots cannot access the moisture effectively. To overcome this challenge, traditional drip irrigation systems employ multiple short bursts of intermittent irrigation, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. The Solution: Sprinkler Hose Under Mulch Film Sprinkler hose under mulch film presents a simpler and more effective alternative to traditional drip irrigation. This innovative system diffuses water over a wider area in a shorter time, allowing crops to absorb the moisture efficiently. When compared to drip irrigation, it proves to be an easy, time-saving, and labor-efficient method. Furthermore, it addresses the specific needs of shallow-rooted plants. Installation Process Implementing a sprinkler hose under mulch film system is relatively straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting it right: Lay the Sprinkler Hose: Begin by laying the sprinkler hose along the rows scheduled for planting or had planted. This hose placement ensures that water will reach the roots effectively. Apply the Mulch Film: Next, lay the mulch cover over the sprinkler hose. This combined process can be efficiently completed using specialized tools designed for lay the sprinkler hose and mulch film the same time. Let Plants Come Out: The plants should emerge from holes that have been punched in the mulch film. This allows them not covered by mulch film. Fertigation Integration: For optimal results, consider integrating a fertigation system at the head of the irrigation system. This addition allows for the simultaneous delivery of liquid fertilizer or pesticides directly to the plant roots along with the irrigation water. Benefits of Sprinkler Hose Under Mulch Film Now that we've covered the installation process, let's delve into the advantages of using this innovative irrigation method: Reduction in the Leaching of Fertilizer Traditional flood and furrow irrigation methods tend to leach fertilizers, including valuable nitrogen and other nutrients, deep into the soil beyond the reach of plant roots. Sprinkler hose under mulch film, in combination with plastic mulch film, significantly reduces this leaching effect. It delivers lower amounts of water and fertilizers directly to the root zone, reducing the amount of fertilizer needed for optimal plant growth. Making Weed More Manageable Plastic mulches film, often used in conjunction with sprinkler hose under mulch film, create an environment that inhibits weed growth. By preventing sunlight from reaching the soil, these mulch films effectively reduce weed competition. Any weed growth tends to be limited to the holes in the mulch where plants emerge, making weed management more manageable. Ensuring Consistent Soil Moisture Levels Plastic mulch films not only suppress weeds but also reduce water loss through evaporation. This means less water is required for irrigation, making it a sustainable choice. Furthermore, plastic mulch films help sprinkler hoses distribute moisture evenly in the soil, reducing plant stress and ensuring consistent soil moisture levels. Conclusion In summary, the utilization of sprinkler hose under mulch film is a game-changer in modern agriculture. This innovative irrigation system addresses the challenges faced by shallow-rooted crops and drip irrigation, offering a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional drip irrigation. By reducing water wastage, improving fertilizer efficiency, and enhancing overall crop health, this method contributes to higher yields and increased profits for farmers.AJ-105 Trampoline Sprinkler, Hanging Wing Sprinkler Hose for sideward spray, downward spray, upward spray indoors or outdoors
Description : A Hanging Wing Trampoline Sprinkler Hose is a lay flat hose with water spray holes, which is stretched out with perforated hanging wing from an edge. Used to hang from the top of the purse seine next to the trampoline.When connected from a water source, for example, a general garden hose, it sprays water into the air, which then spreads to fall down from the trampoline to cover the kids. The kids were soaking wet, jumping and playing happily on the trampoline, enjoying the cool summer. Bring excitement and thrills to kids.The Hanging Wing Trampoline Sprinkler Hose can turn your trampoline into your kid's water park!Hot summer days become even more fun, as they can play with spouts of water on the trampoline and cool off.Even if you have a smaller trampoline, we recommend purchasing a 40-foot hose.If you have a large trampoline, you can double the length by connecting the two hoses. Or buy a Hanging Wing Trampoline Sprinkler Hose that is long enough.Our sprinkler hoses are made of durable, high-quality polyethylene, UV-resistant and non-toxic.The fittings for the trampoline sprinkler hose can be connected to the garden hose. The connectors of Hanging Wing Trampoline Sprinkler Hose must be selected to suit your garden hose fittings.If necessary, you can choose a connector with a control switch, which allows you to turn the water supply on and off as needed and can regulate the flow and pressure of water.Hanging Wing Trampoline Sprinkler Hose use hanging wing and safety hooks to easily attach to the seine.For the kit, connectors can be selected separately as your need.If you are growing turf or other crops, the Hanging Wing Trampoline Sprinkler hose can also be used as a sprinkler hose.Lay the sprinkler hose and let the holes side of the sprinkler hose facing up. Turn on the switch, then it can spray.If you have a larger garden, you can divide the garden into small areas, each with switches, so you can select to water one or two areas you want to water at a time.If certain varieties of crops cannot tolerate moisture. You can choose don't water the area every time and keep the crops not too damp.The flow rate of the sprinkler hose is related to the number and size of the holes on the hose. The more holes there are, the more water is ejected and the more evenly distributed the water is. The larger the hole, the thicker the spraying water line and the greater the flow.We can make suitable holes on the hose according to your needs. You can specify the type of holes distribution, the size of the holes, and the number of holes.AJ-105 DEAR DEER wing hanging sprinkler hose specially designed as a Trampoline Sprinkler let trampoline sprinkler hose easy to install. AJ-105W DEAR DEER is a single sprinkler hose with a wing beside at one edge. There are some hanging holes punched on the wing. Kit of AJ-105WK specially designed as a Trampoline Sprinkler, there are specially designed hooks in the kit. We can let the hooks through the holes at wing and directly hang on the net wall of trampoline. Trampoline Sprinkler can spray the water inside around the trampoline. This Trampoline Sprinkler make an outdoor spray water park. Let kids have fun summer outdoor. Boys and girls can jump and play water games inside the trampoline. This yard toys sprinkler let backyard changed as a water park for your childrenUS design patent No. of our wing hang trampoline sprinkler: US D842,968 S AJ-105 hanging sprinkler hose (trampoline sprinkler): single sprinkler hose with a wing with hang holes at one edge. We can tie the hose on the wire which hang in the air. That can let us work with no handicap on farmland. The sprinkling of this type can be mistier than other types. There are 3 types of pores to spray- sideward, upward and downward. AJ-105 DEAR DEER wing hanging sprinkler hose (trampoline sprinkler) can be used as a Trampoline Sprinkler also. We can tie with cable ties through the holes at wing and hang on the wall of trampoline. Trampoline Sprinkler can spray the water inside around the trampoline. This Trampoline Sprinkler make an outdoor spray water park. Let kids have fun summer outdoor. Boys and girls can jump and play water games inside the trampoline. This yard toys sprinkler let backyard changed as an water park for your children. US design patent No. of our wing hang trampoline sprinkler : US D842,968 S Irrigation sprinkler hose is a tape like flat garden hose. This flat garden hose have many tiny holes on the flat hose wall. It a micro irrigation system, mistier than any irrigation sprinklers. We can easily install several sprinkler hoses with T fittings, rigid pipes or flexible pipes and control valve as a farm irrigation system which easy to be maintained, cost-efficient, easy block elimination, short irrigation time, low irrigation pressure & energy. It is useful for field irrigation of crops in dry farmland.There are different ways to sprinkle for different farming such as open field, greenhouse, net house etc. This flat hose is especial useful for the plants which need water in short time.Useful life of sprinkler hose is around 2 to 5 years depended on your need.Our company can design and produce different types of perforation on this flat hose for different farm agriculture planting.There are different types of hose and different diameter of main sprinkling hose for different planting. The sprinkler hoses are laid on ground except AJ-104H or AJ-105 hanging sprinkler hose. All of them are flexible tubes.Irrigation sprinkler Hose is also named rain tape, rain hose, micro spray tube, perforated hose, soaker hose, soaker tape, emitter hose, fountain tube, kansui tube etc.While make sprinkler hose watering in the farmland, close the end of hose with end clip and fill the water into the hose. Most of the time it is used to sprinkle that makes it spreds evenly on the farmland at 2 sides of the hose and keep not to be blocked up. Specially if the water is clean it is not necessary to use filter. If the water is not very clean just to open the end of the sprinkler hose sometimes and let the sand in the hose flushed out. Specifications: Hose diameter 22mm,16mm Safety/Quality Approvals : ISO9001:2008AJ-104 Wings Sprinkler Hose, the protection and precise type of rain pipe
Revolutionizing Farm and Garden Irrigation with Innovative Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose In the ever-evolving world of agriculture, staying ahead of the curve and embracing innovative solutions can make all the difference. AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. is proud to introduce a game-changing product that is set to transform the way farmers irrigate their crops and gardens. The Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose, also known as the AJ-104 DEAR DEER Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose, is a cutting-edge solution designed to overcome the limitations of traditional sprinkler hose systems and revolutionize the efficiency of farming operations. Meeting the Needs of Farmers with High-Quality Innovation At AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD., our commitment to excellence drives us to deliver high-quality and innovative products that cater to the specific needs of our customers. The Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose is a testament to this dedication, as it addresses the unique challenges faced by farmers and seeks to enhance their farming practices. The Power of Irrigation Sprinkler Hose Systems When it comes to farm irrigation, compare to traditional drip tape, the irrigation sprinkler hose system is the easiest and most cost-effective method. What sets this system apart is its simplicity and efficiency. Not only are these hoses easy to set up, maintain, and operate, but they also require minimal installation effort. This translates to low clogging, reduced pressure requirements, and lower energy consumption. The result is an irrigation system that mimics the gentle drizzle of natural rain, ensuring optimal care for crops. Elevating Tradition with Innovation: Introducing Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose Traditionally, the single flat hose with micro-irrigation pores has been the norm in sprinkler hose systems. However, AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. has raised the bar with the AJ-104 DEAR DEER Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose. This groundbreaking product features a unique design that includes wings at both edges of the main sprinkler hose. These wings serve a dual purpose: they provide protection to the hose and maintain its stability during operation. Why Choose Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose In a direct comparison to the traditional sprinkler hose, the Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose offers significant advantages that translate into improved efficiency and reduced labor. One of the notable benefits is the elimination of the need for constant monitoring and adjustment. Traditional hoses are susceptible to turning aside, resulting in uneven water distribution and the necessity for regular patrolling and repositioning. The innovative wings of the AJ-104 DEAR DEER Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose ensure consistent direction, leading to precise water delivery where it's needed the most. This targeted approach minimizes water wastage and optimizes crop growth. Unparalleled Protection and Longevity The innovation doesn't stop at enhanced efficiency. The wings of the Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose play a crucial role in safeguarding the main perforated hose from potential damage. Scratches and bites from external elements can compromise the integrity of traditional hoses, leading to reduced lifespans and increased risk of leaks. With the protective wings of the AJ-104 DEAR DEER Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose, these concerns are mitigated, resulting in a longer-lasting and more durable irrigation solution. Tailored Solutions for Varied Needs Recognizing that different farming scenarios demand tailored solutions, AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. offers the Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose in three distinct types. The standard AJ-104 is the versatile choice that covers a wide range of irrigation needs. For those looking for a cost-effective option without compromising performance, the AJ-104S boasts shorter wings that maintain stability while reducing costs. Additionally, the AJ-104H caters to unique irrigation setups with wings featuring strategically placed holes. This design makes it easy to suspend the hose for overhead spraying, optimizing coverage and providing necessary headroom on the ground. Learn More and Embrace Innovation Intrigued by the possibilities offered by the Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose? To delve deeper into the world of AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. and our innovative products, we encourage you to connect with us. Reach out to us at deardeer@anja.com.tw to learn more about how the AJ-104 DEAR DEER Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose can elevate your farming practices and revolutionize your irrigation methods. If you're ready to take your farm or garden irrigation to the next level, don't hesitate to explore the numerous benefits that the Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose brings to the table. Embrace innovation, optimize efficiency, and ensure the health and growth of your crops like never before. Conclusion In the realm of agriculture, staying ahead requires embracing innovation. AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.'s Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose is a testament to this ethos. With its unique design, efficiency-enhancing features, and protective wings, this groundbreaking product is poised to revolutionize the way farmers irrigate their crops and gardens. The days of constant monitoring, uneven water distribution, and hose damage are behind us, thanks to the Irrigation Wings Sprinkler Hose. Choose excellence, choose innovation, and choose a brighter future for your farming endeavors. La Manguera Rociadora AJ-104 DEAR DEER, es una solución de vanguardia diseñada para superar las limitaciones de los sistemas tradicionales de mangueras rociadoras y revolucionar la eficiencia de las operaciones agrícolas. Satisfaciendo las Necesidades de los Agricultores con Innovación de Alta Calidad En AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD., nuestro compromiso con la excelencia nos impulsa a entregar productos innovadores y de alta calidad que atiendan a las necesidades específicas de nuestros clientes. La Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego es un testimonio de esta dedicación, ya que aborda los desafíos únicos que enfrentan los agricultores y busca mejorar sus prácticas agrícolas. El Poder de los Sistemas de Mangueras Rociadoras Cuando se trata de la irrigación agrícola, en comparación con la tradicional cinta de goteo, el sistema de mangueras rociadoras es el método más fácil y rentable. Lo que distingue a este sistema es su simplicidad y eficiencia. Estas mangueras no solo son fáciles de instalar, mantener y operar, sino que también requieren un esfuerzo mínimo de instalación.Menos obstrucciones, menores requisitos de presión y menor consumo de energía.. El resultado es un sistema de irrigación que imita la llovizna suave de la lluvia natural, asegurando un cuidado óptimo para los cultivos. Elevando la Tradición con Innovación: Presentando la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego Tradicionalmente, la manguera plana única con poros de micro-riego ha sido la norma en los sistemas de mangueras rociadoras. Sin embargo, AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. ha elevado el nivel con la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego AJ-104 DEAR DEER. Este innovador producto cuenta con un diseño único que incluye alas en ambos bordes de la manguera rociadora principal. Estas alas sirven para dos propósitos: brindar protección a la manguera y mantener su estabilidad durante la operación. ¿Por Qué Elegir la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego? En una comparación directa con la manguera rociadora tradicional, la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego ofrece ventajas significativas que se traducen en una mayor eficiencia y una reducción de la mano de obra. Uno de los beneficios notables es la eliminación de la necesidad de monitoreo y ajuste constantes. Las mangueras tradicionales son propensas a girar, lo que resulta en una distribución desviarse de y la necesidad de patrullar y reposicionar regularmente. Las innovadoras alas de la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego AJ-104 DEAR DEER garantizan una dirección constante, lo que conduce a una entrega precisa del agua donde más se necesita. Este enfoque dirigido minimiza el desperdicio de agua y optimiza el crecimiento de los cultivos. Protección y Longevidad Inigualables La innovación no se detiene en la eficiencia mejorada. Las alas de la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego juegan un papel crucial en la protección de la manguera perforada principal contra posibles daños. Los arañazos y mordeduras de elementos externos pueden comprometer la integridad de las mangueras tradicionales, lo que resulta en una vida útil reducida y un mayor riesgo de fugas. Con las alas protectoras de la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego AJ-104 DEAR DEER, estos problemas se mitigan, lo que resulta en una solución de irrigación más duradera y resistente. Soluciones a Medida para Diferentes Necesidades Reconociendo que diferentes escenarios agrícolas demandan soluciones personalizadas, AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. ofrece la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego en tres tipos distintos. El nivel de AJ-104 es la función completa que ofrece protección total y pulverización constante. Para aquellos que buscan una opción rentable sin comprometer el rendimiento, el AJ-104S cuenta con alas más cortas que mantienen la estabilidad al tiempo que reducen los costos. Además, el AJ-104H se adapta a configuraciones de irrigación únicas con alas que cuentan con agujeros estratégicamente ubicados. Este diseño facilita la suspensión de la manguera para rociado superior, optimizando la cobertura y proporcionando el espacio necesario en el suelo. Aprende Más y Abraza la Innovación ¿Intrigado por las posibilidades que ofrece la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego? Para adentrarse más en el mundo de AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. y nuestros productos innovadores, te animamos a conectarte con nosotros. Contáctanos en deardeer@anja.com.tw para obtener más información sobre cómo la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego AJ-104 DEAR DEER puede elevar tus prácticas agrícolas y revolucionar tus métodos de irrigación. Si estás listo para llevar la irrigación de tu granja o jardín al siguiente nivel, no dudes en explorar los numerosos beneficios que la Manguera Rociadora de Alas de Riego ofrece. Abraza la innovación, optimiza la eficiencia y asegura la salud y el crecimiento de tus cultivos como nunca antes. Le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER, une progrès pour l'agriculture et le jardinage Dans le monde en constante évolution de l'agriculture, rester en avance sur la courbe et adopter des solutions innovantes peut faire toute la différence. AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. est fière de présenter un produit qui est destiné à améliorer la manière dont les agriculteurs irriguent leurs cultures et leurs jardins. Le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER AJ-104 est une solution conçue pour surmonter les limites du tuyau d'arrosage traditionnel à tube unique (tuyau de pluie) et révolutionner l'efficacité des opérations agricoles. Répondre aux besoins des agriculteurs avec une innovation de haute qualité Chez AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD., notre engagement envers l'excellence nous pousse à proposer des produits innovants de haute qualité qui répondent aux besoins spécifiques de nos clients. Le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER est un témoignage de cette dévotion, car il aborde les défis uniques auxquels sont confrontés les agriculteurs et vise à améliorer leurs pratiques agricoles. La puissance des systèmes de tuyaux arroseurs En ce qui concerne l'irrigation agricole, par rapport au tuyau goutte à goutte traditionnel, le système de tuyaux arroseurs est la méthode la plus simple et la plus économique. Ce qui distingue ce système, c'est sa simplicité et son efficacité. Non seulement ces tuyaux sont faciles à installer, à entretenir et à utiliser, mais ils nécessitent également un effort d'installation minimal. Cela résulte d'un faible risque de colmatage, de besoins en pression réduits et d'une consommation d'énergie moindre. Le résultat est un système d'irrigation qui imite la douce bruine de la pluie naturelle, adapté aux cultures dans leur environnement naturel, garantissant ainsi des soins optimaux aux cultures. Élever la tradition avec innovation : Présentation du tuyau arroseur à ailes Tuyau d'arrosage traditionnel à tube unique (tuyau de pluie) avec des pores de micro-irrigation a été la type normal dans les systèmes de tuyaux arroseurs. Cependant, AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. a élevé la barre avec le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER AJ-104. Ce produit révolutionnaire présente une conception unique qui comprend des ailes aux deux extrémités du tuyau arroseur principal. Ces ailes servent à la fois de protection pour le tuyau et à maintenir sa stabilité pendant le fonctionnement. Pourquoi choisir le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER Dans une comparaison directe avec le tuyau arroseur unique traditionnel (tuyau de pluie), le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER offre des avantages significatifs qui se traduisent par une efficacité améliorée et une main-d'œuvre réduite. L'un des avantages notables est l'élimination de la nécessité d'une surveillance et d'ajustements constants. Les tuyau d'arrosage traditionnel à tube unique (tuyaux de pluie) sont susceptibles de dévier, entraînant une distribution inégale de l'eau et la nécessité d'une surveillance et de corrections fréquentes. Les ailes du tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER AJ-104 garantissent une direction constante, conduisant à une distribution précise de l'eau là où elle est le plus nécessaire. Cette approche ciblée réduit les coûts de main-d'œuvre et le gaspillage d'eau, optimise également la croissance des cultures. Excellente protection et durabilité L'innovation ne s'arrête pas à l'efficacité accrue. Les ailes du tuyau arroseur à ailes jouent un rôle crucial dans la protection du tuyau perforé principal contre les dommages potentiels. Les rayures et les morsures de facteurs externes peuvent compromettre l'intégrité des tuyaux uniques traditionnels, entraînant une durée de vie réduite et un risque accru de fuites. Avec les ailes protectrices du tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER, ces préoccupations sont atténuées, ce qui se traduit par une solution d'irrigation plus durable et plus robuste. Des solutions sur mesure pour des besoins variés Conscients que différentes situations agricoles demandent des solutions sur mesure, nous proposons le tuyau arroseur à ailes en trois types distincts. Le AJ-104 standard est le choix polyvalent qui couvre un large éventail de besoins en irrigation. Pour ceux qui recherchent une option économique sans compromettre les performances, le AJ-104S offre des ailes plus courtes qui maintiennent une stabilité de base tout en réduisant les coûts. De plus, le AJ-104H répond aux configurations d'irrigation uniques avec des ailes dotées de trous stratégiquement placés. Cette conception permet de suspendre facilement le tuyau pour une pulvérisation en hauteur, optimisant la couverture et offrant la hauteur nécessaire au sol. En savoir plus et embrasser l'innovation Intrigué par les possibilités offertes par le tuyau arroseur à ailes ? Pour plonger plus profondément dans nos produits innovants, nous vous encourageons à nous contacter. Contactez-nous à deardeer@anja.com.tw pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER peut améliorer vos pratiques agricoles et révolutionner vos méthodes d'irrigation. Si vous êtes prêt à élever l'irrigation de votre ferme ou de votre jardin à un niveau supérieur, n'hésitez pas à explorer les nombreux avantages que le tuyau arroseur à ailes DEAR DEER apporte à la table. Adoptez l'innovation, optimisez l'efficacité et assurez la santé et la croissance de vos cultures comme jamais auparavant. DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブ、農園と庭の灌漑を向上 農業の進化が絶えず続いており、革新的なソリューションを受け入れることがすべての違いを生み出すことがあります。AN JARL アンジャー会社.は、農家が作物と庭を灌漑する方法を改善する製品を誇りに思っています。AJ-104 DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブは、伝統的な単一の散水チューブの制限を克服し、農業運営の効率を革命化するために設計されたソリューションです。 農家のニーズに応える高品質なイノベーション AN JARL アンジャー会社では、卓越性へのコミットメントが私たちを駆り立て、お客様の特定のニーズに対応する高品質なイノベーション製品を提供するよう努力しています。DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブは、これに対する献身の証であり、農家が直面する困難な課題に対処し、農業実践を向上させることを目指しています。 灌漑散水チューブシステムの利点 農業の灌漑に関して、点滴潅水テープとの比較、灌漑散水チューブシステムはより単純なで費用効果の高い方法です。このシステムを特別なものにするのは、そのシンプルさと効率です。これらのチューブは設置、保守、操作が容易であり、また、最小限の設置作業が必要です。これは、低い詰まり、低い圧力要件、低いエネルギー消費しています。これは、自然の降雨に近づけ、自然環境の作物に適し、作物に最適なケアを提供する灌漑システムです。 イノベーションで伝統を高める:灌漑ウィング散水チューブの紹介 伝統的に、単一の散水チューブがあり、これが散水チューブの初期でした。しかし、AN JARL アンジャー会社はAJ-104 DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィングス散水チューブを使用して、この基準を引き上げました。この画期的な製品は、メインの散水チューブの両側にウィングを備えたユニークなデザインを特徴としています。これらのウィングは二つの目的を果たし、チューブを保護し、運転中にその安定性を維持します。 DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブを選ぶ理由 伝統的な単一の散水チューブと直接比較すると、灌漑用ウィング散水チューブは劇的な利点を提供し、効率を向上させ、労働力を削減します。注目すべき利点の一つは、常にパトロールしと調整が必要ないということです。伝統的な単一の散水チューブは逸れやすく、均等な水の分配ができなくなり、常にパトロールしと調整が必要が必要です。AJ-104 DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブのウィングは、一貫した方向を確保し、最も必要とされる場所に正確に水を供給します。このアプローチは労働コストと水の浪費を最小限に抑え、作物の成長を最適化します。 優れた保護と耐久性 革新は効率の向上で止まりません。DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブのウィングは、主要な穴の開いたホースを潜在的な損傷から保護する重要な役割を果たします。外部要因による傷や噛みつきは、伝統的な単一ホースの完全性を損なう可能性があり、寿命の短縮と漏水のリスクが増加します。DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブの保護用ウィングにより、これらの懸念が軽減され、より長持ちで耐久性のある灌漑ソリューションが実現します。 多様なニーズに合わせたカスタマイズされたソリューション 異なる農業シナリオがカスタマイズされたソリューションを求めることを認識し、私たちは灌漑用ウィング散水チューブを3つの異なるタイプで提供しています。スタンダードなAJ-104は、幅広い灌漑ニーズをカバーする多目的な選択肢です。 パフォーマンスを犠牲にすることなくコストを削減したい場合は、基本的な安定性と保護を維持するために短いウィングを備えた AJ-104S があります。 さらに、AJ-104Hは配置された穴があるウィングを備えたユニークな灌漑設計に対応しています。この設計により、ホースを空中に吊るすのが簡単で、地面から離れた場所でスプリンクラー灌漑を行う、したがって、地面に必要なヘッドルームを提供します。 もっと学び、イノベーションを受け入れる DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブが提供する可能性に興味を持っていますか?私たちの革新的な製品をより深く探るために、私たちと連絡を取ることをお勧めします。私たちにご連絡いただくには、deardeer@anja.com.twまでご連絡ください。DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブがあなたの農業実践を向上させ、灌漑方法を革命化する方法について詳しく学びましょう。 農園や庭の灌漑を次のレベルに引き上げる準備ができているなら、DEAR DEER(福鹿)の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブが提供する数々の利点を探索することをためらわないでください。革新を受け入れ、効率を最適化し、作物の健康と成長を前例のない方法で確保しましょう。 結論 農業の分野では、先を見越すために革新を受け入れることが必要です。私たちのDEAR DEER福鹿の灌漑用ウィング散水チューブは、この信念の証です。そのユニークなデザイン、効率向上の特長、そして保護用のウィングを備えたこの画期的な製品は、農家が作物と庭を灌漑する方法を革命化する準備が整っています。絶えず巡回し、不均等な水分配布、ホースの損傷の日々は過去のものです。灌漑ウィング散水チューブを使って改善しましょう。卓越性を選び、イノベーションを選び、農業の未来を明るくしましょう。 AJ-104 DEAR DEER irrigation wings sprinkler hose is better protected the sprinkler hose. It is designed to overcome the shortcomings of the single sprinkler hose. Irrigation sprinkler hose also named as rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube etc. It is a flat hose with many pores on the hose for micro irrigation. When laid on the ground, water is sprayed upwards. Its hose wall is thin and operates in low water pressure, low energy consumption. In addition, the sprinkler hose irrigation system is easy to set up, easy to be maintained, low pores clog and easy clog cleaning. Compared with other micro irrigation systems, the sprinkler hose irrigation system is the lowest cost one. Sprinkler hose irrigation systems can operate without filters at the head of the system if the water is not very dirty. Just release the end clip of the sprinkler hose sometimes and flush out dirt inside the hose. Then fold the end of the hose and clip it again. At first, a sprinkler hose is a simple single flat hose. When filled with water, the flat hose expands into a cylindrical, that makes the hose body easy to turn aside, so that the sprays from pores are turned aside the water falls down at the wrong areas too. Far away from the areas we want to irrigate. Therefore, when water is spraying, we must patrol in the field to find side sprays and turn the hose, letting the sprays back in the correct direction. This is tiresome work, wasting a lot of labor cost and makes us wet all over. In addition, the thin wall of the flat hose may be scratched by stones and other objects on the field at 2 edges while it lay on the ground and moved. Also, the animals in the field, such as the rats, may bite the flat hose from edges. AJ-104 DEAR DEER irrigation wings sprinkler hose has 2 wings at both edges of main sprinkler hose. It can keep steady, make the hose not to turn aside, not to twist, keep the body of the hose balanced. The pores on the hose spray in the right direction and water at the certain area we need. We don’t need to waste time to patrol and turn the sprinkler hose. It saves a lot of labor cost. In addition, the wings protect the main pores hose from being scratched or bitten. Reduce the accident of unexpected damages on the sprinkler hose, extending service life. AJ-104 wings sprinkler hose: there are two wings run at two sides of main sprinkling hose. The wings can protect main hose not to be destroyed from scrape or animal bite at farmland. Also it is steady when it is sprinkling then keep sprinkling direction correct. This type is not such steady as AJ-103 but price is lower.For side protection only there is type AJ-104S with shorter wings. Also there is type AJ-104H with holes on the wing which can be hung over head by the hooks.Irrigation sprinkler hose is a tape like flat garden hose. This flat garden hose have many tiny holes on the flat hose wall. It a micro irrigation system, mistier than any irrigation sprinklers. This hose is said as micro spray tube, rain hose, rain pie, rain tape etc. We can easily install several sprinkler hoses with T fittings, rigid pipes or flexible pipes and control valve as a farm irrigation system which easy to be maintained, cost-efficient, easy block elimination, short irrigation time, low irrigation pressure & energy. It is useful for field irrigation of crops in dry farmland.There are different ways to sprinkle for different farming such as open field, greenhouse, net house etc. This flat hose is especial useful for the plants which need water in short time.Useful life of sprinkler hose is around 2 to 5 years depended on your need.Our company can design and produce different types of perforation on this flat hose for different farm agriculture planting.There are different types of hose and different diameter of main sprinkling hose for different planting. Irrigation sprinkler hoses are laid on ground except AJ-104H hanging wing sprinkler hose. All of them are flexible tubes.Sprinkler Hose is also named rain tape, rain hose, perforated hose, soaker hose, soaker tape, emitter hose, fountain tube, kansui tube etc.While make sprinkler hose watering in the farmland, close the end of hose with end clip and fill the water into the hose. Most of the time it is used to sprinkle that makes it spreds evenly on the farmland at 2 sides of the hose and keep not to be blocked up. Specially if the water is clean it is not necessary to use filter. If the water is not very clean just to open the end of the sprinkler hose sometimes and let the sand in the hose flushed out.An Jarl enterprise co., ltd. Beginning to be a workshop, has been a manufacturer of farm irrigation & farm implements for more than 30 years. In 1985 it was established to be a limited company.Our ISO 9001:2008 certified factory is in Kaohsiung, a city at southern Taiwan.Firstly we produced sprinkler hose & flat hose in Taiwan. Now we are growing to be an expert supplier in more farm accessories & farm agriculture irrigation system these years.Gradually our product series was expanded to mulch film, tunnel greenhouse films, accessories for agriculture & horticulture, irrigation sprinklers, micro irrigation sprinklers, field irrigation implements, cooling & moisture system, flat garden hose, soaker hose, flexible pipe, seedling trays, insecticide fog sprayer, fog nozzles, agriculture net etc. Our products are used in many farmlands for the planting of melons, fruits, vegetables, trees, tea, flowers and so on. Our customers are distributed throughout Taiwan, Japan, China and Southeast Asia, U.S.A etc. In recent years we have specially supplied many sprinkler hoses for farm irrigation of oil palms nursery in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Our products were the first choice to replace the high quality products made in Japan.Now we are expanding our farm equipment to more and more ranges. Besides products that are used in the open farmland, we also supply the accessories used in net houses and greenhouses. Our brand “DEAR DEER” is well-known in many farm agriculture area.The other new products are hanging sprinkler hose which can be hung indoors and outdoors to make a misty micro irrigation and let farmers have free space for land work. Besides farm parts the other business in our company is to be an ODM & OBM factory in plastic injection and extrusion. Except to manufacture agriculture & garden implements, we manufacture accessories of water purify system, sanitary ware etc. for some famous brands in Taiwan. Of course we produce T fitting & other fittings for irrigation systems also.We create new items every year, hear from customers and develop the products they need.The final target to us is to be a worldwide leader in the suppliers of agriculture & garden accessories in the near future. Features : AJ-104 wings sprinkler hose: there are two wings run at two sides of main sprinkling hose. The wings can protect main hose not to be destroyed from scrape or animal bite at farmland. Also it is steady when it is sprinkling then keep sprinkling direction correct. This type is not such steady as AJ-103 but price is lower.For side protection only there is type AJ-104S with shorter wings. Also there is type AJ-104H with holes on the wing which can be hung over head by the hooks. Specification : One perforated middle hose with 2 wings not perforated aside to protect and support spraying not turn aside.Specifications: Size Middle hose folded width Length 1 1/4” 68 mm 100 m 1” 58 mm 100 m 3/4” 50 mm 100 mAJ-103 Triple Sprinkler Hose, the best protection type for main spray tube
AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose: Revolutionizing Farm Irrigation and Garden Irrigation If you're looking for an efficient and advanced solution to improve your farm irrigation system, look no further than the AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose. With its advanced construction and unique design, this sprinkler hose is set to revolutionize the way you approach irrigation. Introduction In the realm of agriculture, efficient irrigation plays a crucial role in ensuring healthy crop growth and maximizing yields. The AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose has emerged as a game-changing solution that addresses the limitations of traditional sprinkler hoses. Understanding Sprinkler Hose Irrigation A sprinkler hose is a specialized tool used for irrigating fields. It is a flat hose with numerous pores along its length, allowing it to spray water mistily across the area it covers. Commonly referred to as a rain pipe, rain tape, or micro spray tube, this innovation in irrigation has simplified the way farmers water their crops. Compared to traditional drip tape irrigation systems, the sprinkler hose irrigation system has many benefits: Easy to set up Sprinkler hose irrigation systems are very easy to install and very simple to set up. Rewinding is also easy; the sprinkler hose can be rolled up for storage using our roll-up equipment. Easy to maintain The simple design of this system minimizes clogging. For occasional blockages, it is not difficult to clear them. Excellent durability The sprinkler hose is treated with anti-UV protection and only works at low pressure, making it very durable. In addition, it has a low clogging rate and is easy to clear, further extending its service life. Similar to natural drizzle The sprinkler hoses gently spray, watering the crops like a natural drizzle, meeting to the nature of the crops in the natural environment. While the sprinkler hose design offers numerous advantages, certain limitations of the single sprinkler hose (rain pipe) persist. The Challenges of Traditional Single Sprinkler Hoses (Rain Pipes) However, traditional single sprinkler hoses (rain pipes) come with their own set of challenges. When water is spraying, the cylindrical hose body may cause some sections of spray to turn aside, leading to inaccurate irrigation coverage. Additionally, these hoses are susceptible to damage from external factors such as stones and animal bites. Innovative Design of AJ-103 DEAR DEER Sprinkler Hose The AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose stands out with its innovative design. Unlike single hoses, it incorporates two smaller hoses at the edges of the main hose. These small hoses act as stabilizers and air bags, ensuring that the main hose maintains a consistent water spray direction. This design not only enhances accuracy but also protects the main hose from potential damage. Key Features of AJ-103 DEAR DEER Sprinkler Hose Steady Spray Direction: The auxiliary hoses prevent the main hose from turning aside, ensuring precise water distribution. Protection against Damage: The small hoses shield the main hose from potential scratches and bites, thus prolonging its lifespan. Effortless Maintenance: The system can operate without filters in relatively clean water conditions, and occasional flushing is all that's needed. Wide Applicability: Suitable for various dryland crops and different types of farmlands, including sandy land and greenhouses. Benefits of Using Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose The AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose offers numerous benefits, including: Labor Cost Savings: With accurate and consistent irrigation, the need for manual adjustments and patrols is minimized. Quick Irrigation: The mist-like spray ensures rapid and efficient coverage of the fields. Low Energy Consumption: The low operating pressure and energy-efficient design make it environmentally friendly. Easy Installation: Setting up the system is straightforward, and it's equally easy to maintain. Enhanced Crop Growth: Precise irrigation promotes healthy crop growth and higher yields. Easy Installation and Maintenance Installing the AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is hassle-free, and its low maintenance requirements make it a farmer's best friend. By releasing the end clip and flushing out any dirt that accumulates, the system remains efficient and effective. Suitability for Different Crops and Farmlands One of the major advantages of this irrigation system is its adaptability. It can be used in various farming scenarios, including open fields, greenhouses, and net houses. The design and pore patterns can be tailored to suit the specific watering needs of different crops. Extending Service Life and Reducing Damages The innovative design not only ensures accurate irrigation but also extends the service life of the hose. The auxiliary hoses protect the main hose from potential sources of damage, such as rocks and animal bites, resulting in a longer-lasting and more cost-effective solution. DEAR DEER: A Trusted Brand in Irrigation The "DEAR DEER" brand has gained recognition in China, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan for its high-quality irrigation solutions. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, the brand continues to expand its presence across the globe. Global Expansion of DEAR DEER Products The success of the "DEAR DEER" products has paved the way for their introduction to new markets worldwide. As the reputation of these innovative irrigation solutions grows, more farmers can benefit from their features and advantages. Conclusion In the world of modern agriculture, precision and efficiency are key. The AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose offers a groundbreaking solution to traditional irrigation challenges. With its unique design, ease of use, and remarkable benefits, it has the potential to transform the way farmers approach irrigation, leading to healthier crops and increased productivity. FAQs How does the AJ-103 DEAR DEER Sprinkler Hose differ from traditional sprinkler hoses (rain pipe)? The AJ-103 DEAR DEER Sprinkler Hose stands out due to its innovative design featuring two auxiliary hoses at the edges of the main hose. These smaller hoses ensure a steady spray direction and protect the main hose from damage. Unlike traditional sprinkler hoses (rain pipes) that may turn aside during operation, the AJ-103 maintains accurate irrigation coverage. Can the system operate without filters? Yes, the system can operate without filters in relatively clean water conditions. This is a notable advantage, as it simplifies maintenance. Periodic flushing of the hose to clear any accumulated dirt is sufficient to keep the system functioning effectively. What is the lifespan of a sprinkler hose? The lifespan of a sprinkler hose typically ranges from 2 to 5 years, depending on usage and maintenance. Opting for a protection sprinkler hose, such as the AJ-103 DEAR DEER Sprinkler Hose, can help reduce potential damages and extend its service life. You can roll all types of sprinkler hose with our winder to roll them after planting season and store them for next planting season. Is the system suitable for all types of crops? Yes, the system is versatile and suitable for a wide range of crops. Its design can be customized to accommodate different watering requirements. Whether you're dealing with open fields, greenhouses, net houses, or dry farmlands, the AJ-103 DEAR DEER Sprinkler Hose can be tailored to meet the needs of various crops. Where can I access the AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose? You can access the AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose by mailing deardeer@anja.com.tw or calling +886-73720158. We will provide you with more information about the product and how to acquire it for your irrigation needs. AJ-103 DEAR DEER Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión: Revolucionando el Riego Agrícola y de Jardines Si estás buscando una solución eficiente y avanzada para mejorar tu sistema de riego agrícola, no busques más allá de la Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER. Con su construcción avanzada y diseño único, esta manguera de aspersión está lista para revolucionar la forma en que abordas el riego. Introducción En el ámbito de la agricultura, el riego eficiente desempeña un papel crucial para garantizar un crecimiento saludable de los cultivos y maximizar los rendimientos. La Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER ha surgido como una solución innovadora que aborda las limitaciones de las mangueras de aspersión tradicionales. Comprendiendo el Riego por Aspersión con Mangueras Una manguera de aspersión es una herramienta especializada utilizada para el riego de campos. Es una manguera plana con numerosos poros a lo largo de su longitud, lo que le permite rociar agua de manera difusa en el área que cubre. Comúnmente conocida como tubo de lluvia, cinta de lluvia o tubo de microaspersión, esta innovación en el riego ha simplificado la forma en que los agricultores riegan sus cultivos. En Comparación con los Sistemas Tradicionales de Cinta de Goteo Comparado con los sistemas tradicionales de cinta de goteo, el sistema de riego por manguera de aspersión ofrece muchas ventajas: Fácil de configurar Los sistemas de riego por manguera por aspersión son muy fáciles de instalar y muy sencillos de configurar. Rebobinar también es fácil; La manguera del rociador se puede enrollar para guardarla utilizando nuestro equipo enrollable. Fácil de mantener El diseño simple de este sistema minimiza la obstrucción. En el caso de bloqueos ocasionales, no es difícil eliminarlos. Excelente durabilidad La manguera del aspersor está tratada con protección anti-UV y solo funciona a baja presión, lo que la hace muy duradera. Además, tiene una baja tasa de obstrucción y es fácil de limpiar, lo que prolonga aún más su vida útil. Similar a la llovizna natural Las mangueras de aspersión rocían suavemente, regando los cultivos como una llovizna natural, respondiendo a la naturaleza de los cultivos en el entorno natural. Si bien el diseño de la manguera de rociadores ofrece numerosas ventajas, persisten ciertas limitaciones de la manguera de rociador única (tubo de lluvia). Los desafíos de las mangueras tradicionales de un solo aspersor (tubos de lluvia) Sin embargo, las mangueras tradicionales de un solo aspersor (tubos de lluvia) presentan sus propios desafíos. Cuando se rocía agua, el cuerpo cilíndrico de la manguera puede hacer que algunas secciones del rociado se desvíen, lo que provoca una cobertura de riego inexacta. Además, estas mangueras son susceptibles a sufrir daños por factores externos como piedras y mordeduras de animales. Diseño Innovador de la Manguera de Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER La Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER se destaca por su diseño innovador. A diferencia de las mangueras individuales, incorpora dos mangueras más pequeñas en los bordes de la manguera principal. Estas mangueras pequeñas actúan como estabilizadores y bolsas de aire, asegurando que la manguera principal mantenga una dirección de rociado de agua constante. Este diseño no solo mejora la precisión, sino que también protege la manguera principal de posibles daños. Características Clave de la Manguera de Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER Dirección de Rociado Constante: Las mangueras auxiliares evitan que la manguera principal se desvíe, asegurando una distribución precisa del agua. Protección contra Daños: Las mangueras pequeñas protegen la manguera principal de posibles rayones y mordeduras, prolongando así su vida útil. Mantenimiento Sencillo: El sistema puede funcionar sin filtros en condiciones de agua relativamente limpia, y ocasionalmente se requiere un enjuague. Amplia Aplicabilidad: Adecuado para diversos cultivos en tierras secas y diferentes tipos de terrenos, incluyendo terrenos arenosos y invernaderos. Beneficios de Usar la Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER La Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER ofrece numerosos beneficios, que incluyen: Ahorro en Costos de Mano de Obra: Con un riego preciso y constante, se reduce la necesidad de ajustes manuales y patrullas. Riego Rápido: El rociado similar a una niebla garantiza una cobertura rápida y eficiente de los campos. Bajo Consumo de Energía: La baja presión de operación y el diseño eficiente en términos energéticos lo hacen respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Instalación Sencilla: Configurar el sistema es sencillo, y su mantenimiento es igualmente fácil. Crecimiento Mejorado de los Cultivos: El riego preciso promueve un crecimiento saludable de los cultivos y rendimientos más altos. Instalación y Mantenimiento Sencillos La instalación de la Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER es sencilla, y sus bajos requisitos de mantenimiento la convierten en la mejor aliada de los agricultores. Al liberar el clip final y enjuagar cualquier suciedad acumulada, el sistema permanece eficiente y efectivo. Adecuación para Diferentes Cultivos y Terrenos Una de las principales ventajas de este sistema de riego es su adaptabilidad. Puede ser utilizado en diversos escenarios agrícolas, incluyendo campos abiertos, invernaderos y casas de malla. El diseño y los patrones de poros pueden ser adaptados para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de riego de diferentes cultivos. Extensión de la Vida Útil y Reducción de Daños El diseño innovador no solo garantiza un riego preciso, sino que también extiende la vida útil de la manguera. Las mangueras auxiliares protegen la manguera principal de posibles fuentes de daño, como piedras y mordeduras de animales, lo que resulta en una solución más duradera y rentable. DEAR DEER: Una Marca de Confianza en el Riego La marca "DEAR DEER" ha ganado reconocimiento en China, Asia Sudoriental y Taiwán por sus soluciones de riego de alta calidad. Con un enfoque en la innovación y la satisfacción del cliente, la marca continúa expandiendo su presencia en todo el mundo. Expansión Global de los Productos DEAR DEER El éxito de los productos "DEAR DEER" ha allanado el camino para su introducción en nuevos mercados en todo el mundo. A medida que crece la reputación de estas soluciones de riego innovadoras, más agricultores pueden beneficiarse de sus características y ventajas. Conclusión En el mundo de la agricultura moderna, la precisión y la eficiencia son clave. La Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER ofrece una solución innovadora a los desafíos tradicionales de riego. Con su diseño único, facilidad de uso y beneficios destacados, tiene el potencial de transformar la forma en que los agricultores abordan el riego, lo que conduce a cultivos más saludables y mayor productividad. Preguntas Frecuentes ¿En qué se diferencia la Manguera de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER de las mangueras de aspersión tradicionales (tubos de lluvia)? La Manguera de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER se destaca debido a su diseño innovador que incluye dos mangueras auxiliares en los bordes de la manguera principal. Estas mangueras más pequeñas aseguran una dirección constante de rociado y protegen la manguera principal de daños. A diferencia de las mangueras de aspersión tradicionales (tubos de lluvia) que pueden desviarse durante la operación, la AJ-103 mantiene una cobertura de riego precisa. ¿Puede el sistema funcionar sin filtros? Sí, el sistema puede funcionar sin filtros en condiciones de agua relativamente limpia. Esta es una ventaja notable, ya que simplifica el mantenimiento. El enjuague periódico de la manguera para eliminar la suciedad acumulada es suficiente para mantener el funcionamiento efectivo del sistema. ¿Cuál es la vida útil de una manguera de riego por aspersión? La vida útil de una manguera de riego por aspersión generalmente varía de 2 a 5 años, dependiendo del uso y el mantenimiento. Optar por una manguera de riego de protección, como la Manguera de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER, puede ayudar a reducir posibles daños y extender su vida útil. Puedes enrollar todos los tipos de mangueras de riego con nuestro enrollador después de la temporada de siembra y almacenarlos para la próxima temporada. ¿Es el sistema adecuado para todo tipo de cultivos? Sí, el sistema es versátil y adecuado para una amplia gama de cultivos. Su diseño puede adaptarse para satisfacer diferentes requisitos de riego. Ya sea que estés lidiando con campos abiertos, invernaderos, casas de malla o terrenos secos, la Manguera de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER puede adaptarse para satisfacer las necesidades de diversos cultivos. ¿Dónde puedo acceder a la Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER? Puedes acceder a la Manguera Triple de Riego por Aspersión AJ-103 DEAR DEER enviando un correo a deardeer@anja.com.tw o llamando al +886-73720158. Te proporcionaremos más información sobre el producto y cómo adquirirlo para tus necesidades de riego. AJ-103 DEAR DEER Tuyau Aspersion Triple Irrigation: Révolution de l'Irrigation Agricole et Jardin Si vous recherchez une solution efficace et avancée pour améliorer votre système d'irrigation agricole, ne cherchez pas plus loin que le Tuyau Aspersion Triple Irrigation AJ-103 DEAR DEER. Avec sa construction avancée et son design unique, ce tuyau aspersion est destiné à révolutionner votre approche de l'irrigation. Introduction Dans le domaine de l'agriculture, une irrigation efficace joue un rôle crucial pour assurer une croissance saine des cultures et maximiser les rendements. Le Tuyau Aspersion Triple Irrigation AJ-103 DEAR DEER s'est imposé comme une solution révolutionnaire qui résout les limites des tuyau aspersion traditionnels. Comprendre l'Irrigation par Tuyau Aspersion Un tuyau aspersion est un outil spécialisé utilisé pour irriguer les champs. C'est un tuyau plat avec de nombreuses pores le long de sa longueur, ce qui lui permet de pulvériser de l'eau de manière fine sur la zone qu'il couvre. Communément appelé tuyau de pluie, ruban de pluie ou tube de pulvérisation micro, cette innovation en matière d'irrigation a simplifié la manière dont les agriculteurs arrosent leurs cultures. Comparée aux systèmes traditionnels d'irrigation par goutte à goutte, l'irrigation par tuyau aspersion présente de nombreux avantages : Facile à mettre en place Les systèmes d’irrigation par aspersion sont très faciles à installer et très simples à mettre en place. Le rembobinage est également facile; le tuyau d'arrosage peut être enroulé pour le stockage à l'aide de notre équipement enroulable. Facile à entretenir La conception simple de ce système minimise le colmatage. Pour les blocages occasionnels, il n’est pas difficile de les éliminer. Excellente durabilité Le tuyau d'arrosage est traité avec une protection anti-UV et ne fonctionne qu'à basse pression, ce qui le rend très résistant. De plus, il présente un faible taux de colmatage et est facile à nettoyer, prolongeant ainsi sa durée de vie. Semblable à la bruine naturelle Les tuyaux d'arrosage pulvérisent doucement, arrosant les cultures comme une bruine naturelle, répondant à la nature des cultures dans l'environnement naturel. Bien que la conception du tuyau aspersion offre de nombreux avantages, certaines limites du tuyau aspersion unique (tuyau de pluie) persistent. Les Défis des Tuyau Aspersion Simple Traditionnels Cependant, les tuyau aspersion simple traditionnels présentent leur propre lot de défis. Quand l'eau remplit le tuyau aspersion simple, le corps cylindrique du tuyau peut entraîner la déviation de certaines sections de la pulvérisation, ce qui entraîne une couverture d'irrigation inexacte. De plus, ces tuyaux sont sensibles aux dommages causés par des facteurs externes tels que les pierres et les morsures d'animaux. Conception Innovante du Tuyau aspersion AJ-103 DEAR DEER Le Tuyau Aspersion Triple Irrigation AJ-103 DEAR DEER se distingue par sa conception innovante. Contrairement aux tuyaux simples, il intègre deux tuyaux plus petits sur les bords du tuyau principal. Ces petits tuyaux servent de stabilisateurs et de coussins d'air, garantissant que le tuyau principal maintient une direction de pulvérisation d'eau constante. Cette conception améliore non seulement la précision, mais protège également le tuyau principal contre d'éventuels dommages. Caractéristiques Clés du Tuyau aspersion AJ-103 DEAR DEER Direction de Pulvérisation Stable : Les tuyaux auxiliaires empêchent le tuyau principal de dévier, assurant une distribution précise de l'eau. Protection contre les Dommages : Les petits tuyaux protègent le tuyau principal contre les égratignures et les morsures potentielles, prolongeant ainsi sa durée de vie. Entretien Facile : Le système peut fonctionner sans filtres dans des conditions d'eau relativement propres, et un rinçage occasionnel est tout ce dont il a besoin. Grande Polyvalence : Convient à diverses cultures en terre sèche et à différents types de terres agricoles, y compris les terres sablonneuses et les serres. Avantages de l'Utilisation du Tuyau aspersion Triple Irrigation Le Tuyau aspersion Triple Irrigation AJ-103 DEAR DEER offre de nombreux avantages, notamment : Économies de Coûts de Main-d'Œuvre : Grâce à une irrigation précise et constante, le besoin d'ajustements manuels et de patrouilles est réduit au minimum. Irrigation Rapide : La pulvérisation fine assure une couverture rapide et efficace des champs. Faible Consommation d'Énergie : La faible pression de fonctionnement et la conception économe en énergie en font une solution respectueuse de l'environnement. Installation Facile : La mise en place du système est simple, et son entretien est tout aussi facile. Croissance des Cultures Améliorée : Une irrigation précise favorise une croissance saine des cultures et des rendements plus élevés. Installation et Entretien Faciles L'installation du Tuyau aspersion Triple Irrigation AJ-103 DEAR DEER est sans tracas, et ses faibles besoins en entretien en font le meilleur ami des agriculteurs. En relâchant la pince d'extrémité et en rinçant toute saleté qui s'accumule, le système reste efficace et performant. Adaptabilité à Différentes Cultures et Terres Agricoles L'un des principaux avantages de ce système d'irrigation est son adaptabilité. Il peut être utilisé dans divers scénarios agricoles, y compris les champs ouverts, les serres et les tunnels. La conception et les motifs de pores peuvent être adaptés pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques d'arrosage de différentes cultures. Prolonger la durée de vie et réduire les dommages La conception innovante garantit non seulement une irrigation précise, mais prolonge également la durée de vie du tuyau. Les tuyaux auxiliaires protègent le tuyau principal des sources potentielles de dommages, telles que les pierres et les morsures d'animaux, ce qui offre une solution plus durable et plus rentable. DEAR DEER : Une marque de confiance en matière d'irrigation La marque DEAR DEER est reconnue en Chine, en Asie du Sud-Est et à Taiwan pour ses solutions d'irrigation de haute qualité. En mettant l'accent sur l'innovation et la satisfaction client, la marque continue d'étendre sa présence à travers le monde. Expansion mondiale des produits DEAR DEER Le succès des produits DEAR DEER a ouvert la voie à leur introduction sur de nouveaux marchés dans le monde entier. À mesure que la réputation de ces solutions d’irrigation innovantes grandit, davantage d’agriculteurs peuvent bénéficier de leurs caractéristiques et avantages. Conclusion Dans le monde de l’agriculture moderne, la précision et l’efficacité sont essentielles. Le tuyau aspersion triple DEAR DEER AJ-103 offre une solution révolutionnaire aux défis d'irrigation traditionnels. Grâce à sa conception unique, sa facilité d'utilisation et ses avantages remarquables, il a le potentiel de transformer la façon dont les agriculteurs abordent l'irrigation, conduisant à des cultures plus saines et à une productivité accrue. FAQ En quoi le tuyau aspersion AJ-103 DEAR DEER diffère-t-il des tuyaux aspersion simple traditionnels (tuyau de pluie) ? Le tuyau aspersion AJ-103 DEAR DEER se distingue par sa conception innovante comprenant deux tuyaux auxiliaires sur les bords du tuyau principal. Ces tuyaux plus petits assurent une direction de pulvérisation constante et protègent le tuyau principal des dommages. Contrairement aux tuyaux aspersion simple traditionnels (tuyaux de pluie) qui peuvent s'écarter pendant le fonctionnement, l'AJ-103 maintient une couverture d'irrigation précise. Le système peut-il fonctionner sans filtres ? Oui, le système peut fonctionner sans filtres dans des conditions d’eau relativement propre. C’est un avantage notable, car cela simplifie la maintenance. Un rinçage périodique du tuyau pour éliminer toute saleté accumulée est suffisant pour maintenir le fonctionnement efficace du système. Quelle est la durée de vie d'un tuyau aspersion ? La durée de vie d'un tuyau aspersion varie généralement de 2 à 5 ans, selon l'utilisation et l'entretien. Opter pour un tuyau aspersion de protection, tel que le tuyau aspersion AJ-103 DEAR DEER, peut aider à réduire les dommages potentiels et à prolonger sa durée de vie. Vous pouvez enrouler tous les types de tuyaux aspersion avec notre enrouleur pour les enrouler après la saison de plantation et les stocker pour la prochaine saison de plantation. Le système est-il adapté à tous les types de cultures ? Oui, le système est polyvalent et adapté à une large gamme de cultures. Sa conception peut être personnalisée pour s'adapter à différentes exigences d'arrosage. Que vous ayez affaire à des champs ouverts, des serres, des abris en filet ou des terres agricoles sèches, le tuyau aspersion AJ-103 DEAR DEER peut être adapté pour répondre aux besoins de diverses cultures. Où puis-je accéder au tuyau aspersion triple DEAR DEER AJ-103 ? Vous pouvez accéder au tuyau aspersion triple DEAR DEER AJ-103 en envoyant un mail à deardeer@anja.com.tw ou en appelant le +886-73720158. Nous vous fournirons plus d’informations sur le produit et comment l’acquérir pour vos besoins d’irrigation. AJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブ: 潅水チューブの革命 導入 水を節約しつつ、効率的な農業を実現するために、AJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブが登場しました。この画期的な散水チューブは、伝統的な単筒式散水チューブの短所を克服しています、短い翼形チューブよりも優れた保護。今回はこのAJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブの特徴、利点、そしてその農業への適用について詳しく説明します。 灌漑散水チューブシステムの利点 農業の灌漑に関して、点滴潅水テープとの比較、灌漑散水チューブシステムはより単純なで費用効果の高い方法です。このシステムを特別なものにするのは、そのシンプルさと効率です。これらのチューブは設置、保守、操作が容易であり、また、最小限の設置作業が必要です。これは、低い詰まり、低い圧力要件、低いエネルギー消費しています。これは、自然の降雨に近づけ、自然環境の作物に適し、作物に最適なケアを提供する灌漑システムです。 水が非常に汚れていない場合、この散水チューブはシステムの先頭にフィルターを必要としません。時折散水チューブの末端止め クリップを解除し、ホース内部の汚れを洗い流すだけです。その後、チューブの端を折りたたんで再び末端止め クリップをしめます。 伝統的な単筒式散水チューブの課題 伝統的に、単一の散水チューブがあり、これがスプリンクラーチューブの初期でした。 伝統的な単筒式散水チューブは、平らなチューブで多くの微小な穴が開いており、水を霧状に噴射します。自然のような灌漑を提供します。しかし、このタイプのチューブにはいくつかの問題点があります。それを見てみましょう。 労働コストの浪費 伝統的な単筒式散水チューブを使用する場合、水が望ましくない場所に散布される可能性があります。そのため、水が不要な場所に行かないように畑を巡回し、水の方向を調整する必要があります。これにより多くの労働コストが発生し、作業員は湿ったままになります。 耐久性の問題 平らなチューブは地面に敷設されたり移動したりする際に、石や他の物体によって傷つけられる可能性があります。また、野生動物(例:ネズミ)によって噛まれることもあります。 AJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブは、これらの問題を解決するために設計されています。 イノベーションで伝統を高める:トリプル散水チューブの紹介 AN JARL アンジャー会社はDEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブを使用して、この基準を引き上げました。この画期的な製品は、メインの散水チューブの両側に2つの小さなチューブを備えたユニークなデザインを特徴としています。これらの小さなチューブは二つの目的を果たし、チューブを保護し、運転中にその安定性を維持します。 AJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブの特長 その特徴は両側に2つの小さなチューブ。 この散水チューブには、主要な散水ホースの両側に小さなホースがあります。主要なホースは水を噴射し、小さなチューブは2つのエアバッグのように機能します。これにより、主要なチューブのスプレー方向が一定に保たれ、水が望ましい場所に落ちるようになります。また、主要なホースが傷つかないように保護し、寿命を延ばします。比較において、単筒式散水チューブの欠点は、スプレーのたわみと保護の欠如であり、短い翼型チューブによるメインパイプの保護はDEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブほど良くありません。 適用範囲 AJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブは、さまざまな乾燥地帯の農作物に適しています。異なる作物や畑に適した異なる散水孔のパターンがあります。これは、耕作地、砂地、温室、ネットハウスなどで使用できます。また、短時間で多くの水を必要とする作物の育苗や植物にも適しています。 寿命 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブの寿命は、使用方法とメンテナンス方法によって異なりますが、通常は3〜5年です。保護散水チューブを選ぶことで、損傷を減少させ、寿命を延ばすことができます。 結論 AJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブは、単筒式伝統的な散水チューブの課題を克服し、効率的な農業を実現するための革新的な製品です。水を節約し、作業効率を向上させ、農業の未来を明るくする一環として、このホースを導入することを検討してみてください。 よくある質問(FAQs) AJ-103 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブはどのように設置しますか? DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブは、従来の散水チューブと同じように地面に置くだけで簡単に設置できます。 DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブのメンテナンスはどのように行いますか? DEAR DEER(福鹿)トリプル散水チューブのメンテナンスは簡単です。時折散水チューブの末端止め クリップを解除し、チューブ内部の汚れを洗い流すだけです。 AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD., the leading manufacturer of farm irrigation and farm implements in Taiwan, has officially launched its groundbreaking product, the Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose. This innovative product is set to revolutionize the farming industry and provide farmers worldwide with a more cost-effective and efficient irrigation solution. Established in 1985, AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. has been at the forefront of agricultural innovation for over 40 years. With its ISO 9001:2015 certification, the company has manufactured a diverse range of items for agricultural use, including sprinkler hose, rain pipe, mulch film, accessories for agriculture, horticulture, greenhouse, net house, irrigation sprinklers, micro irrigation sprinklers, field irrigation implements, cooling & moisture system, flat garden hose, seep soaker hose, flexible pipe, seedling trays, insecticide fog sprayer, fog nozzles, agriculture net, tunnel small greenhouse, venturi fertilizer injector, T fitting, and other fittings for irrigation systems. The Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is the latest addition to the company's extensive product series. This high-quality product is designed to overcome the shortcomings of single sprinkler hoses and save labor costs associated with patrolling the field to find side sprays and turn hoses. With its superior construction, the Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is the best-designed hose to protect the sprinkler hose and overcome the common problems associated with single hoses. It saves time, money, and resources, making it the ultimate irrigation solution for farmers. We always keep our innovation and creation to create new items every year. To listen to what customers need and keep moving forward is our faith. With this in mind, the company developed the Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose, which features 2 small hoses at both edges of the main sprinkler hose. These small hoses act like airbags, keeping the main hose's water spray direction steady and letting the water fall down in the right area. This protects the main hose from scratches and bites, thereby extending its service life. The Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is suitable for farm irrigation for different crops at different farmlands, such as sandy land, open field, greenhouses, net houses, and more. The sprinkler hose irrigation system has low material cost, clogging prevention, low operating pressure, energy-saving, and is easy to install and maintain. It irrigates gently, just like natural light rain. AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. is excited to showcase the Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose and other products at the 2023 International Agricultural Machinery and Materials Exhibition in Yunlin. The exhibition will be held on September 23-24, 2023 (Saturday, Sunday) from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm and on September 25, 2023 (Monday) from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. This is a great opportunity for farmers to see the superior quality and construction of the Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose and other products from AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. For more information about AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. and its products, visit their website at https://anjarl.en.taiwantrade.com/. The company's brand, "DEAR DEER," is well-known in many country regions, and it has a wide customer base distributed throughout Taiwan, Japan, China, Southeast Asia, North and South America, Africa, and more. If you're a farmer looking for an innovative and cost-effective irrigation solution, look no further than AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.'s Triple Irrigation Sprinker hose. AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is the best type for protecting sprinkler hose. The best designed to overcome the shortcomings of the single sprinkler hose. Saves a lot of labor cost to patrol side sprays and turn the hoses. A sprinkler hose is a flat hose with many pores on the hose to spray water mistily, also named as rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube etc. Sprinkler hose irrigation system easy to install, easy to maintain, low cost, easy plug clearing, quick irrigation, and low water pressure, low energy consumption. When laid on the ground, water is sprayed upwards. At first, a sprinkler hose is a simple single flat hose. When filled with water, the flat hose expands into a cylindrical, that makes the hose body easy to turn aside, so that the sprays from pores are turned aside, the water falls down at the wrong areas too. Far away from the areas we want to irrigate. Therefore, when water is spraying, we must patrol in the field to find side sprays and turn the hose, letting the sprays back in the correct direction. This is tiresome work, wasting a lot of labor cost and makes us wet all over. In addition, the thin wall of the flat hose may be scratched by stones and other objects on the field at 2 edges while it lay on the ground and moved. Also, the animals in the field, such as the rats, may bite the flat hose from edges. AJ-103 DEAR DEER Triple Irrigation Sprinkler Hose has 2 small hoses at both edges of main sprinkler hose. Main hose spray water, small hoses are like 2 airbags. They keep main hose water spray direction steady, letting water fall down at the right area, protect the main hose not be scratched or bitten, extending service life. Sprinkler hose irrigation systems can operate without filters at the head of the system if the water is not very dirty. Just release the end clip of the sprinkler hose sometimes and flush out dirt inside the hose. Then fold the end of the hose and clip it again. It is suitable for any dry land crops. There are different types of hose, different watering pore patterns for different crops and different farmlands. Can be used to open farmland, sandy land, greenhouses, net houses etc. It is suitable for crop nursery or the plants those require more water in a short time. The use life of a sprinkler hose is about 2-5 years, depending on how to use and how to maintain. Choose protection sprinkler hose can reduce the damages, keeping service life. AJ-103 triple sprinkler hose: there are two small tubes with no perforation run at two sides of main sprinkling hose. The small tubes can protect main hose not to be destroyed from scrape or animal bite at farmland. Also it is steady when it is sprinkling then keep sprinkling direction correct. Irrigation sprinkler hose is a tape like flat garden hose. This flat garden hose have many tiny holes on the flat hose wall. It a micro irrigation system, mistier than any irrigation sprinklers. So it is also named as micro spray tube, rain pipe, rain hose, rain tape etc. We can easily install several sprinkler hoses with T fittings, rigid pipes or flexible pipes and control valve as a farm irrigation system which easy to be maintained, cost-efficient, easy block elimination, short irrigation time, low irrigation pressure & energy. It is useful for field irrigation of crops in dry farmland.There are different ways to sprinkle for different farming such as open field, greenhouse, net house etc. This flat hose is especial useful for the plants which need water in short time.Useful life of sprinkler hose is around 2 to 5 years depended on your need.Our company can design and produce different types of perforation on this flat hose for different farm agriculture planting.There are different types of hose and different diameter of main sprinkling hose for different planting. The sprinkler hoses are laid on ground except AJ-105H hanging wing sprinkler hose. All of them are flexible tubes.Sprinkler Hose is also named rain tape, rain hose, perforated hose, soaker hose, soaker tape, emitter hose, fountain tube, kansui tube etc.While make sprinkler hose watering in the farmland, close the end of hose with end clip and fill the water into the hose. Most of the time it is used to sprinkle that makes it spreds evenly on the farmland at 2 sides of the hose and keep not to be blocked up. Specially if the water is clean it is not necessary to use filter. If the water is not very clean just to open the end of the sprinkler hose sometimes and let the sand in the hose flushed out.An Jarl enterprise co., ltd. Beginning to be a workshop, has been a manufacturer of farm irrigation & farm implements for more than 30 years. In 1985 it was established to be a limited company.Our ISO 9001:2008 certified factory is in Kaohsiung, a city at southern Taiwan.Firstly we produced sprinkler hose & flat hose in Taiwan. Now we are growing to be an expert supplier in more farm accessories & farm agriculture irrigation system these years.Gradually our product series was expanded to mulch film, tunnel greenhouse films, accessories for agriculture & horticulture, irrigation sprinklers, micro irrigation sprinklers, field irrigation implements, cooling & moisture system, flat garden hose, soaker hose, flexible pipe, seedling trays, insecticide fog sprayer, fog nozzles, agriculture net etc. Our products are used in many farmlands for the planting of melons, fruits, vegetables, trees, tea, flowers and so on. Our customers are distributed throughout Taiwan, Japan, China and Southeast Asia, U.S.A etc. In recent years we have specially supplied many sprinkler hoses for farm irrigation of oil palms nursery in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Our products were the first choice to replace the high quality products made in Japan.Now we are expanding our farm equipment to more and more ranges. Besides products that are used in the open farmland, we also supply the accessories used in net houses and greenhouses. Our brand “DEAR DEER” is well-known in many farm agriculture area.The other new products are hanging sprinkler hose which can be hung indoors and outdoors to make a misty micro irrigation and let farmers have free space for land work. Besides farm parts the other business in our company is to be an ODM & OBM factory in plastic injection and extrusion. Except to manufacture agriculture & garden implements, we manufacture accessories of water purify system, sanitary ware etc. for some famous brands in Taiwan. Of course we produce T fitting & other fittings for irrigation systems also.We create new items every year, hear from customers and develop the products they need.The final target to us is to be a worldwide leader in the suppliers of agriculture & garden accessories in the near future. Features : AJ-103 triple sprinkler hose: there are two small tubes with no perforation run at two sides of main sprinkling hose. The small tubes can protect main hose not to be destroyed from scrape or animal bite at farmland. Also it is steady when it is sprinkling then keep sprinkling direction correct. Specification : One perforated middle hose with 2 smaller hoses not perforated aside to protect and support spraying not turn aside.Specifications: Size Middle hose folded width Length 1 1/4” 68 mm 100 m 1” 58 mm 100 m 3/4” 50 mm 100 m Safety/Quality Approvals : ISO9001:2008 vegetable farm irrigation of triple sprinkler hoseAJ-102 Twin Sprinkler Hose, the type of most stable sprinkler hose for farm irrigation and garden irrigation
Maximizing Irrigation Efficiency with AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Irrigation Sprinkler Hose In the realm of agriculture and horticulture, efficient irrigation is important. Water is the lifeblood of crops, and optimizing its efficiency is essential for healthy plant growth and abundant yields. The AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is an efficient tool in the world of irrigation systems. We will introduce the capabilities and advantages of this innovative product, exploring how it can revolutionize your farming practices. Understanding the AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Irrigation Sprinkler Hose The AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Irrigation Sprinkler Hose stands out as the premium products of stability and efficiency in the world of sprinkler hoses. Designed to address the common trouble of undesirable side spraying that plagues single sprinkler hoses, we engineered this product to save both time and labor costs associated with field patrolling. The comments of a general Monotube Sprinkler Hose Before we dive into the exceptional features of the AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Irrigation Sprinkler Hose, let's first understand what a general monotube sprinkler hose is and how it functions. A general monotube sprinkler hose is a single flat hose equipped with numerous pores along its length, allowing it to spray water in a fine mist. This versatile tool goes by various names, including rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube, and more. Easy Installation and Maintenance One of the standout advantages of the sprinkler hose irrigation system is its ease of installation and maintenance. Unlike complex drip irrigation systems that require specialized knowledge and equipment, all types of the Irrigation Sprinkler Hose can be effortlessly set up and maintained by individuals of general skill levels. Additionally, all types of sprinkler hoses irrigation system boast low operational costs, making it an economical choice for both small and large-scale agricultural operations. It excels in quick irrigation and is remarkably efficient with low water pressure, resulting in minimal energy consumption. The Challenge of Monotube Sprinkler Hoses Traditional monotube flat hose has a challenge when it comes to stability. When filled with water, this hose expands into a cylindrical shape, making some sections of hose body easy to turn aside for them to veer off course. Consequently, the water sprays from the pores may not reach their intended target, leading to water wastage and ineffective irrigation. Growers have to patrol to find and correct the hose body under the condition of water spraying. It is extremely laborious. The Ingenious Solution: Twin Sprinkler Hoses The AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Sprinkler Hose, however, offers a brilliant solution to this problem. It consists of two hoses with pores, ingeniously linked together. Two hoses provide mutual support, ensuring exceptional stability and precise water distribution. This innovative design guarantees that water is sprayed exactly where it is needed, eliminating the need for constant patrolling and adjustments, save much time and labor cost. Versatility for Various Crops and Farmlands In addition of different shapes of hoses, sprinkler hose also can be designed in different pores arrangements to meet different irrigation needs. The flexibility of the sprinkler hose irrigation system makes it suitable for a wide range of crops and different types of the farmland. Different hose variations and watering pore patterns cater to the specific needs of diverse crops and farming conditions. Whether you're tending to plant in open farmland, sandy soil, greenhouses, or net houses, Sprinkler Hose proves to be a versatile and adaptable choice. The AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Sprinkler Hose further offer the stable function. Ideal for Crop Nurseries and Water-Intensive Plants Sprinkler hose irrigation system shines particularly bright when it comes to crop nurseries and plants that require significant water intake in a short time. Stable hose makes the precise control over water distribution ensures that our plants receive the water they need without wastage. Longevity and Durability Investing in an irrigation system is a long-term commitment, and the AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Sprinkler Hose is built to last. With proper usage and maintenance, this reliable hose can serve you well for approximately 2 to 5 years. In addition, we can rewind the Twin Sprinkler Hose to store after harvest to increase its lifespan. Its longevity is a performance to its quality and durability, offering peace of mind for farmers and gardeners alike. In conclusion, the AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Irrigation Sprinkler Hose emerges as an excellent solution for efficient and cost-effective irrigation. Its stability, precision, and adaptability make it a top choice for a wide range of agricultural applications. Want to say goodbye to the challenges of traditional single sprinkler hoses? Embrace the future of irrigation with the AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Sprinkler Hose. Maximización de la eficiencia del riego con la manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 En el ámbito de la agricultura y la horticultura, el riego eficiente es importante. El agua es el elemento vital de los cultivos y optimizar su eficiencia es esencial para un crecimiento saludable de las plantas y rendimientos abundantes. La manguera para aspersor de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 es una herramienta eficiente en el mundo de los sistemas de riego. Presentaremos las capacidades y ventajas de este producto innovador, explorando cómo puede revolucionar sus prácticas agrícolas. Comprensión de la manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 La manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 se destaca como el producto premium de estabilidad y eficiencia en el mundo de las mangueras para aspersores. Diseñado para abordar el problema común de la pulverización lateral indeseable que afecta a las mangueras de un solo aspersor, diseñamos este producto para ahorrar tiempo y costos de mano de obra asociados con el patrullaje de campo. Los comentarios de una manguera de aspersor general. Antes de sumergirnos en las características excepcionales de la manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102, primero comprendamos qué es una manguera para aspersores y cómo funciona. Una manguera de rociador general es una única manguera plana equipada con numerosos poros a lo largo de su longitud, lo que le permite rociar agua en una fina niebla. Esta herramienta versátil tiene varios nombres, que incluyen tubo de lluvia, cinta de lluvia, tubo de microaspersión y más. Fácil instalación y mantenimiento Una de las ventajas más destacadas del sistema de riego por manguera por aspersión es su facilidad de instalación y mantenimiento. A diferencia de los complejos sistemas de riego por goteo que requieren conocimientos y equipos especializados, todos los tipos de mangueras de riego por aspersión pueden ser instalados y mantenidos sin esfuerzo por personas con niveles de habilidad generales. Además, todos los tipos de sistemas de riego con mangueras para aspersores cuentan con bajos costos operativos, lo que los convierte en una opción económica para operaciones agrícolas tanto a pequeña como a gran escala. Destaca en el riego rápido y es notablemente eficiente con baja presión de agua, lo que resulta en un consumo mínimo de energía. El desafío de las mangueras de un solo aspersor Las mangueras de un solo aspersor tradicionales presentan un desafío en cuanto a estabilidad. Cuando se llena de agua, esta manguera se expande hasta adquirir una forma cilíndrica, lo que hace que algunas secciones del cuerpo de la manguera sean fáciles de desviar para desviarse de su curso. En consecuencia, es posible que el agua pulverizada desde los poros no alcance el objetivo previsto, lo que provoca un desperdicio de agua y un riego ineficaz. Los agricultores tienen que patrullar para encontrar y corregir el cuerpo de la manguera bajo la condición de pulverización de agua. Es extremadamente laborioso. La solución ingeniosa: la manguera para aspersores de riego doble Sin embargo, la manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 ofrece una solución brillante a este problema. Consta de dos mangueras con poros, ingeniosamente unidas. Dos mangueras se apoyan mutuamente, asegurando una estabilidad excepcional y una distribución precisa del agua. Este diseño innovador garantiza que el agua se rocíe exactamente donde se necesita, eliminando la necesidad de patrullajes y ajustes constantes, ahorrando mucho tiempo y costos de mano de obra. Versatilidad para diversos cultivos y tierras de cultivo Además de las diferentes formas de mangueras, las mangueras para aspersores también se pueden diseñar con diferentes disposiciones de poros para satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de riego. La flexibilidad del sistema de riego por manguera por aspersión lo hace adecuado para una amplia gama de cultivos y diferentes tipos de tierras de cultivo. Las diferentes variaciones de mangueras y patrones de poros de riego satisfacen las necesidades específicas de diversos cultivos y condiciones agrícolas. Ya sea que esté plantando en tierras de cultivo abiertas, suelos arenosos, invernaderos o casas de red, Sprinkler Hose demuestra ser una opción versátil y adaptable. La manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 ofrece más una función estable. Ideal para viveros de cultivos y plantas que requieren un uso intensivo de agua El sistema de riego por manguera por aspersión brilla especialmente cuando se trata de viveros de cultivos y plantas que requieren una ingesta importante de agua en poco tiempo. La manguera estable hace que el control preciso sobre la distribución del agua garantice que nuestras plantas reciban el agua que necesitan sin desperdicio. Longevidad y durabilidad Invertir en un sistema de riego es un compromiso a largo plazo y la manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 está diseñada para durar. Con un uso y mantenimiento adecuados, esta manguera confiable puede funcionar bien durante aproximadamente 2 a 5 años. Además, podemos rebobinar la manguera para aspersores de riego doble para guardarla después de la cosecha y aumentar su vida útil. Su longevidad es un resultado de su calidad y durabilidad, lo que ofrece tranquilidad tanto a los agricultores como a los jardineros. En conclusión, la manguera para aspersor de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 surge como una excelente solución para un riego eficiente y rentable en riego agrícola o riego de jardines. Su estabilidad, precisión y adaptabilidad lo convierten en la mejor opción para una amplia gama de aplicaciones agrícolas. ¿Quiere decir adiós a los desafíos de las mangueras tradicionales de un solo aspersor? Abrace el futuro del riego conla manguera para aspersores de riego doble DEAR DEER AJ-102 Maximiser l'efficacité de l'irrigation avec le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER Dans le domaine de l'agriculture et de l'horticulture, l'irrigation efficace est d'une importance cruciale. L'eau est le sang de la culture, et optimiser son efficacité est essentiel pour une croissance végétale saine et des rendements abondants. Le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER est un outil efficace dans le monde des systèmes d'irrigation. Nous allons vous présenter les capacités et les avantages de ce produit innovant, en explorant comment il peut révolutionner vos pratiques agricoles. Comprendre le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER Le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER se distingue comme l'un des produits phares en matière de stabilité et d'efficacité dans le monde des tuyaux d'arrosage. Conçu pour remédier au problème courant de la pulvérisation latérale indésirable qui affecte les tuyaux d'arrosage simples, nous avons conçu ce produit pour économiser à la fois du temps et des coûts de main-d'œuvre liés à la patrouille des champs. Les caractéristiques d'un tuyau d'arrosage monotube Avant de plonger dans les caractéristiques exceptionnelles du tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER, comprenons d'abord ce qu'est un tuyau d'arrosage monotube et comment il fonctionne. Un tuyau d'arrosage monotube est un tuyau plat unique équipé de nombreuses pores sur toute sa longueur, ce qui lui permet de pulvériser de l'eau sous forme de fine bruine. Cet outil polyvalent porte divers noms, tels que tuyau de pluie, ruban de pluie, tube de micro-pulvérisation, et bien d'autres. Installation et maintenance faciles L'un des avantages majeurs du système d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage est sa facilité d'installation et de maintenance. Contrairement aux systèmes d'irrigation goutte à goutte complexes qui nécessitent des connaissances spécialisées et de l'équipement, tous les types de tuyaux d'arrosage peuvent être facilement installés et entretenus par des personnes de compétences générales. De plus, tous les types de systèmes d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage offrent des coûts opérationnels réduits, en faisant un choix économique pour les exploitations agricoles de petite et grande envergure. Il excelle dans l'irrigation rapide et est remarquablement efficace avec une faible pression d'eau, ce qui entraîne une consommation d'énergie minimale. Le défi des tuyaux d'arrosage monotubes Le tuyau d'arrosage monotube traditionnel présente un défi en matière de stabilité. Lorsqu'il est rempli d'eau, ce tuyau se dilate en une forme cylindrique, rendant certaines sections du tuyau faciles à dévier de leur trajectoire. Par conséquent, l'eau pulvérisée par les pores peut ne pas atteindre leur cible prévue, entraînant un gaspillage d'eau et une irrigation inefficace. Les agriculteurs doivent patrouiller pour trouver et corriger la trajectoire du tuyau sous la pulvérisation d'eau. Cela est extrêmement laborieux. La solution ingénieuse : les tuyaux d'arrosage jumeaux Le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER offre cependant une solution brillante à ce problème. Il se compose de deux tuyaux dotés d'pores, ingénieusement reliés entre eux. Les deux tuyaux se soutiennent mutuellement, garantissant une stabilité exceptionnelle et une distribution précise de l'eau. Cette conception innovante garantit que l'eau est pulvérisée exactement là où elle est nécessaire, éliminant ainsi le besoin de patrouilles constantes et d'ajustements, économisant ainsi beaucoup de temps et de coûts de main-d'œuvre. Polyvalence pour diverses cultures et types de terres agricoles En plus des différentes formes de tuyaux, le système d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage peut également être conçu avec différentes configurations d'pores pour répondre aux besoins d'irrigation spécifiques. La flexibilité du système d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage le rend adapté à une large gamme de cultures et de types de terres agricoles. Différentes variantes de tuyaux et de motifs d'pores d'arrosage répondent aux besoins spécifiques de différentes cultures et conditions de culture. Que vous cultiviez en plein champ, sur un sol sableux, dans des serres ou sous des film de paillage, le tuyau d'arrosage s'avère être un choix polyvalent et adaptable. Le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER offre en outre une fonction de stabilité. Idéal pour les pépinières et les plantes gourmandes en eau Le système d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage brille particulièrement lorsqu'il s'agit de pépinières et de plantes qui nécessitent une quantité importante d'eau en peu de temps. Un tuyau stable permet un contrôle précis de la distribution de l'eau, garantissant que nos plantes reçoivent l'eau dont elles ont besoin sans gaspillage.. Longévité et Durabilité Investir dans un système d'irrigation est un engagement à long terme, et le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER est conçu pour durer. Avec une utilisation et un entretien appropriés, ce tuyau fiable peut vous servir pendant environ 2 à 5 ans. De plus, Nous pouvons enrouler le tuyau double d'arrosage après la récolte et le stocker jusqu'à la saison suivante pour prolonger sa durée de vie. Sa longévité est un gage de sa qualité et de sa durabilité, offrant la tranquillité d'esprit aux agriculteurs et aux jardiniers. En conclusion, le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER se présente comme une excellente solution pour une irrigation efficace et économique. Sa stabilité, sa précision et sa polyvalence en font le choix numéro un pour une large gamme d'applications agricoles. Vous souhaitez dire au revoir aux problèmes des traditionnels tuyaux d'arrosage simples ? Adoptez l'avenir de l'irrigation avec le tuyau double d'arrosage AJ-102 DEAR DEER. AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブで灌漑効率を最大限に 農業と園芸の世界では、効率的な灌漑が重要です。水は作物の生命線であり、その効率を最適化することは健康な植物成長と豊富な収穫のために不可欠です。AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブは、灌漑システムの世界で効率的なツールです。 AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブの理解 AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブは、散水チューブの世界での安定性と効率のプレミアム製品として目立ちます。単一散水チューブに付随する望ましくない脇を向く散水の一般的な問題に対処するために設計され、野外巡回に関連する時間と労力のコストを節約することを目的としています。 一般的な単一散水チューブの特徴 AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブの優れた特徴に入る前に、まず一般的な単一散水チューブが何であり、その機能を理解しましょう。一般的な単一散水チューブは、その長さに沿って多くの穴を備えた単一のフラットチューブで、微細な霧状に水を噴射することができます。この多用途なツールは、雨管、雨テープ、マイクロスプレーチューブなど、さまざまな名前で呼ばれています。 簡単な取り付けとメンテナンス 散水チューブ灌漑システムの際立つ利点の1つは、その取り付けとメンテナンスの容易さです。専門的な知識や装置が必要な複雑な滴下灌漑システムとは異なり、すべての種類の灌漑散水チューブは一般的な技能レベルの個人によって簡単に設置および保守できます。さらに、すべての種類の散水チューブ灌漑システムは、運用コストが低いため、小規模な農業から大規模な農業まで経済的な選択肢となり、迅速な灌漑に優れ、低水圧で非常に効率的であり、エネルギー消費が最小限に抑えられています。 単一散水チューブの課題 従来の単一フラットチューブは、安定性の面で課題があります。このチューブは水で満たされると円筒形に膨張し、チューブの一部が容易に脇を向く。その結果、穴から噴射される水が意図されたターゲットに届かないことがあり、水の無駄と効果的な灌漑の妨げになります。農家は水を散布する時間のもとでそらされたチューブのボディを見つけて修正しなければならず、非常に労力がかかります。 驚異の解決策: ツイン散水チューブ しかし、AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブは、この問題に対する優れた解決策を提供します。このチューブは、巧みに連結された2本のホースで構成されています。2本のチューブは互いを支え、優れた安定性と正確な水の分布を保証します。この革新的なデザインにより、水は必要な場所に正確に散布され、常に巡回と調整が必要であるという必要性を排除し、多くの時間と労働コストを節約します。 さまざまな作物と農地に適した多用途性 散水チューブは、異なる形状のチューブのほか、異なる散水孔の配置が可能で、さまざまな灌漑ニーズに対応できます。 散水チューブ灌漑システムの柔軟性により、幅広い作物と異なるタイプの農地に適しています。さまざまなチューブのバリエーションと散水孔の配置は、多様な作物と農業環境の特定のニーズに対応します。オープンフィールド、砂質の土壌、温室、またはネットハウスで作物を育てる場合、散水チューブは多用途で適応性に富んだ選択肢であることが示されます。さらに、AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブは安定した機能を提供します。 作物の育成園と多水分を必要とする植物に最適 作物の育成園や短期間で多くの水を必要とする植物に関して、散水チューブ灌漑システムは特に優れています。安定したチューブにより、水の分布を正確に制御でき、植物が無駄なく必要な水を受け取ることができます。 長寿命と耐久性 灌漑システムへの投資は長期のコミットメントですが、AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン散水チューブは耐久性に優れています。適切な使用とメンテナンスにより、この信頼性のあるホースは約2〜5年間にわたり、長寿命のために、収穫後はツイン散水チューブを巻き取って保管ことで寿命を延ばすことができます。その長寿命は品質と耐久性の証であり、農家や庭師に安心感を提供します。 要約する AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブは、効率的で費用対効果の高い灌漑の優れた解決策として登場しています。その安定性、精度、適応性は、さまざまな農業アプリケーションにおいてトップの選択肢となります。従来の単一散水チューブの課題にさよならを言いたいですか?AJ-102 DEAR DEER ツイン灌漑散水チューブとともに灌漑の未来を迎えましょう。 AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is the type of most stable sprinkler hose. It is best designed to overcome the problem of spraying aside of the single sprinkler hose. Saves a lot of labor cost to patrol in the field to find side sprays and turn the hoses. A sprinkler hose is a flat hose with many pores on the hose to spray water mistily, also named as rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube and so on. Sprinkler hose irrigation system easy to install, easy to maintain, low cost, easy plug clearing, quick irrigation, and low water pressure, low energy consumption. When laid on the ground, water is sprayed upwards. At first, a sprinkler hose is a simple single flat hose. When filled with water, the flat hose expands into a cylindrical, that makes the hose body easy to turn aside, so that the sprays from pores are turned aside, the water falls down at the wrong areas too. Far away from the areas we want to irrigate. Therefore, when water is spraying, we must patrol in the field to find side sprays and turn the hose, letting the sprays back in the correct direction. This is tiresome work, wasting a lot of labor cost and makes us wet all over. AJ-102 DEAR DEER Twin Sprinkler Hose is 2 hoses with pores and linking together. The trends of 2 hoses limited each other. That makes it very stable, and keeps water spraying in the right direction. Sprinkler hose irrigation system is suitable for any dry land crops. There are different types of hose, different watering pore pattern, for different crops and different farmlands. Can be used to open farmland, sandy land, greenhouses, net house etc. Especially it is suitable for crop nursery or the plants require more water in short time. The use life of sprinkler hose is about 2-5 years, depending on how to use and how to maintain. AJ-102 twin sprinkler hose(rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube): two hoses of width 50mm run together. It is steady when it is sprinkling then keep sprinkling direction correct. There is only 1 diameter for this type. Irrigation sprinkler hose is a tape like flat garden hose. This flat garden hose have many tiny holes on the flat hose wall. It a micro irrigation system, mistier than any irrigation sprinklers. So it is also said as rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube. We can easily install several sprinkler hoses with T fittings, rigid pipes or flexible pipes and control valve as a farm irrigation system which easy to be maintained, cost-efficient, easy block elimination, short irrigation time, low irrigation pressure & energy. It is useful for field irrigation of crops in dry farmland.There are different ways to sprinkle for different farming such as open field, greenhouse, net house etc. This flat hose is especial useful for the plants which need water in short time.Useful life of sprinkler hose is around 2 to 5 years depended on your need.Our company can design and produce different types of perforation on this flat hose for different farm agriculture planting.There are different types of hose and different diameter of main sprinkling hose for different planting. The sprinkler hoses are laid on ground except AJ-104H or AJ-105 hanging sprinkler hose. All of them are flexible tubes.Sprinkler Hose is also named rain tape, rain hose, perforated hose, soaker hose, soaker tape, emitter hose, fountain tube, kansui tube etc.While make sprinkler hose watering in the farmland, close the end of hose with end clip and fill the water into the hose. Most of the time it is used to sprinkle that makes it spreds evenly on the farmland at 2 sides of the hose and keep not to be blocked up. Specially if the water is clean it is not necessary to use filter. If the water is not very clean just to open the end of the sprinkler hose sometimes and let the sand in the hose flushed out.An Jarl enterprise co., ltd. Beginning to be a workshop, has been a manufacturer of farm irrigation & farm implements for more than 30 years. In 1985 it was established to be a limited company.Our ISO 9001:2008 certified factory is in Kaohsiung, a city at southern Taiwan.Firstly we produced sprinkler hose & flat hose in Taiwan. Now we are growing to be an expert supplier in more farm accessories & farm agriculture irrigation system these years.Gradually our product series was expanded to mulch film, tunnel greenhouse films, accessories for agriculture & horticulture, irrigation sprinklers, micro irrigation sprinklers, field irrigation implements, cooling & moisture system, flat garden hose, soaker hose, flexible pipe, seedling trays, insecticide fog sprayer, fog nozzles, agriculture net etc. Our products are used in many farmlands for the planting of melons, fruits, vegetables, trees, tea, flowers and so on. Our customers are distributed throughout Taiwan, Japan, China and Southeast Asia, U.S.A etc. In recent years we have specially supplied many sprinkler hoses for farm irrigation of oil palms nursery in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Our products were the first choice to replace the high quality products made in Japan.Now we are expanding our farm equipment to more and more ranges. Besides products that are used in the open farmland, we also supply the accessories used in net houses and greenhouses. Our brand “DEAR DEER” is well-known in many farm agriculture area.The other new products are hanging sprinkler hose which can be hung indoors and outdoors to make a misty micro irrigation and let farmers have free space for land work. Besides farm parts the other business in our company is to be an ODM & OBM factory in plastic injection and extrusion. Except to manufacture agriculture & garden implements, we manufacture accessories of water purify system, sanitary ware etc. for some famous brands in Taiwan. Of course we produce T fitting & other fittings for irrigation systems also.We create new items every year, hear from customers and develop the products they need.The final target to us is to be a worldwide leader in the suppliers of agriculture & garden accessories in the near future. Features : AJ-102 twin sprinkler hose: two hoses of width 50mm run together. It is steady when it is full of water. When it is sprinkling the direction of spray water is steady. That make the certain watering area. Specification : Two perforated go along together to keep perforations spray not turn aside.Specifications: Size Each hose folded width Length 1 1/4” 50 mm *2 100 m Safety/Quality Approvals : ISO9001:2008 VIDEO Watch how twin sprinkler hose irrigateAJ-101 Single Sprinkler Hose, rain tape, rain pipe, rain hose, spray tube, soaker hose, kansui tube, perforated tube
DEAR DEER Monotube Irrigation Sprinkler Hose AJ-101 the optimal and simplest solution for farm irrigation and garden irrigation AJ-101 monotube irrigation sprinkler hose serves as the fundamental type among DEAR DEER irrigation sprinkler hoses, specifically designed for easy irrigation efficiency. This type of hose presents itself as a single flat conduit, marked by its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. Recognized by various names such as rain pipe, rain tape, and micro spray tube, the single irrigation sprinkler hose is characterized by its flat hose featuring numerous pores for a finely misted water dispersion. Operate effectively under low water pressure, this hose boasts energy-efficient performance due to its low-pressure irrigation. Farmers can ensure uniform water distribution. The user-friendly installation procedure saves time and effort, contributing to the overall efficiency of the farm irrigation system. The AJ-101 monotube irrigation sprinkler hose is designed for versatility. It suits different crop types and can be employed in various agricultural settings, including open farmlands, sandy terrains, greenhouses, and net houses. This adaptability makes it an invaluable tool for farmers with diverse cultivation requirements. In cases where the sprinkler hose is laid on the ground, water is sprayed upwards into the air before gently descending, creating an effect akin to a light rain shower, to irrigate the crops below. This unique quality has earned it monikers such as "rain pipe," "rain tape". DEAR DEER monotube sprinkler hose is adaptable and can be used for irrigation beneath mulch film. By directing water through hose pores under mulch film directly onto the crop roots, it enhances moisture absorption and promotes optimal plant growth. This adaptability allows farmers to cater to various crop needs within a farm irrigation system. The diverse adaptability of DEAR DEER monotube sprinkler hose comes from the fact that it can design spray pores of different sizes and diverse pore arrangements according to different crops and fields. Furthermore, DEAR DEER sprinkler hose also comes in different hose types. For the same sprinkler irrigation system, farmers can meet different needs as long as they choose appropriate DEAR DEER sprinkler hose. All types of the irrigation sprinkler hose, offered by DEAR DEER , boast a flat configuration punctuated by an array of pores designed to emit a mist-like water distribution. Operating as a high efficiency micro irrigation tool, the sprinkler hose irrigation system is characterized by its user-friendly installation, easy maintenance, cost-effectiveness, efficient plug clearing, rapid irrigation capabilities, minimal water pressure and energy consumption requirements. One of the most remarkable features of DEAR DEER sprinkler hose is its energy-efficient performance. Operate effectively under low water pressure, the hose disperses water with precision. This not only conserves water but also minimizes energy consumption, making it an environmentally friendly and low-carbon choice for farmers. This micro-irrigation hose is ideally suited for a diverse range of dry land crops. Available in various types and pore designs, these hoses are tailored to cater to different crop varieties and agricultural settings. They find utility in open farmlands, sandy terrains, greenhouses, and net houses. Particularly beneficial for crops requiring precise micro-irrigation, most types of sprinkler hoses provide the necessary moisture with precision. The installation and maintenance of the sprinkler hose irrigation system are notably straightforward, featuring minimal risk of clogging. These attributes contribute to the system's distinction as one of the most cost-effective micro irrigation methods compares to drip systems. The integration of a fertigation system at the head of the irrigation network can also facilitate the direct delivery of liquid fertilizers to carry out foliar fertilizers or run to the crops' root systems through the water supply. By designing appropriately sized pores, a sprinkler hose can even emulate the functionality of a drip tape. This adaptation operates under reduced pressure, resulting in significantly fewer instances of clogging and consuming less time compared to traditional drip pipes. All types of DEAR DEER sprinkler hose irrigation systems have the notable advantage of being capable of functioning need no filter at the head of the irrigation network, particularly if the water being used is relatively clean. Sometimes, it suffices to open the end clip of the sprinkler hose to flush out any accumulated dirt within the hose, maintaining the system's efficiency. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the lifespan of the AJ-101 monotube sprinkler hose? DEAR DEER AJ-101 sprinkler hose typically lasts for 2-5 years, depending on usage and maintenance practices. 2. Can the hose be used for different crop types? Absolutely, the AJ-101 sprinkler hose is versatile and suitable for a wide range of crops, catering to diverse farm irrigation needs. 3. Is maintenance complicated? No, maintenance is straightforward due to the hose's minimal risk of clogging. Periodic checks and simple flush procedures are sufficient to maintain its efficiency. 4. How is the sprinkler hose irrigation system installed? Sprinkler hose irrigation systems are installed similar to drip irrigation systems, but it is easier. The sprinkler hose irrigation system is installed need no filter at the head, particularly if the water being used is relatively clean. DEAR DEER Manguera de riego soltera para rociar agua AJ-101 la solución óptima y más sencilla para el riego de granjas y jardines La manguera de riego soltera para rociar agua AJ-101 es el tipo fundamental entre las manguera de riego para rociar agua DEAR DEER, diseñadas específicamente para una fácil eficiencia de riego. Este tipo de manguera se presenta como un único manguera plano, caracterizado por su sencillez y rentabilidad. Reconocida por varios nombres, como tubería de lluvia, cinta de lluvia y tubo de microaspersión, La manguera de riego soltera para rociar agua se caracteriza por su manguera plana con numerosos poros para una dispersión fina del agua. Opera eficazmente bajo baja presión de agua, esta manguera cuenta con un rendimiento energéticamente eficiente debido a su riego a baja presión. Los agricultores pueden garantizar una distribución uniforme del agua. El procedimiento de instalación fácil de usar ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo, contribuyendo a la eficiencia general del sistema de riego. La manguera de riego soltera para rociar agua AJ-101 está diseñada para brindar versatilidad. Se adapta a diferentes tipos de cultivos y puede emplearse en diversos entornos agrícolas, incluidas tierras de cultivo abiertas, terrenos arenosos, invernaderos y casa neta. Esta adaptabilidad lo convierte en una herramienta invaluable para agricultores con diversos requisitos de cultivo. En los casos en los que la manguera del aspersor se coloca en el suelo, el agua se rocía hacia arriba en el aire antes de descender suavemente, creando un efecto similar a una lluvia ligera, para regar los cultivos que se encuentran debajo. La manguera de riego soltera para rociar agua DEAR DEER es adaptable y se puede usar para regar debajo de una película de mantillo. Al dirigir el agua a través de los poros de la manguera debajo de la película de mantillo directamente hacia las raíces del cultivo, la absorción de agua es más eficiente y se promueve el crecimiento óptimo de las plantas. Esta adaptabilidad permite a los agricultores satisfacer diversas necesidades de cultivos dentro de un sistema de riego. La diversa adaptabilidad de La manguera de riego soltera para rociar agua DEAR DEER proviene del hecho de que puede diseñar poros de aspersión de diferentes tamaños y diversas disposiciones de poros según los diferentes cultivos y campos. Además, la manguera para aspersores DEAR DEER también viene en diferentes tipos de mangueras. Utilizar el mismo sistema de riego por aspersión, los agricultores pueden satisfacer diferentes necesidades siempre que elijan la manguera de aspersor DEAR DEER adecuada. Todos los tipos de mangueras para aspersores de riego que ofrece DEAR DEER cuentan con una configuración plana marcada por una serie de poros diseñados para emitir una distribución de agua similar a una niebla. Operando como una herramienta de microirrigación de alta eficiencia, el sistema de riego por manguera por aspersión se caracteriza por su instalación fácil de usar, fácil mantenimiento, rentabilidad, limpieza eficiente de tapones, capacidades de riego rápido, presión de mínima y requisitos de bajo consumo de energía. Una de las características más notables de la manguera para aspersores DEAR DEER es su rendimiento energéticamente eficiente. Opere eficazmente bajo baja presión de agua, la manguera dispersa el agua con precisión. Esto no sólo conserva agua sino que también minimiza el consumo de energía, lo que la convierte en una opción respetuosa con el medio ambiente y baja en carbono para los agricultores. Esta manguera de microirrigación es ideal para una amplia gama de cultivos de secano. Disponibles en varios tipos y diseños de poros, estas mangueras están diseñadas para atender a diferentes variedades de cultivos y entornos agrícolas. Encuentran utilidad en tierras de cultivo abiertas, terrenos arenosos, invernaderos y casa neta. Particularmente beneficiosas para cultivos que requieren microriego preciso, la mayoría de los tipos de mangueras para aspersores proporcionan la humedad necesaria con precisión. La instalación y el mantenimiento del sistema de riego por manguera por aspersión son notablemente sencillos y presentan un riesgo mínimo de obstrucción. Estos atributos contribuyen a la distinción del sistema como uno de los métodos de microirrigación más rentables en comparación con los sistemas de goteo. La integración de un sistema de fertirrigación en cabecera de la red de riego también puede facilitar la entrega directa de fertilizantes líquidos rociar sobre las hojas o correr hasta el sistema radicular de los cultivos a través del suministro de agua. Al diseñar poros del tamaño adecuado, una manguera de aspersor puede incluso emular la funcionalidad de una cinta de goteo. Esta adaptación opera bajo presión reducida, lo que resulta en muchos menos casos de obstrucción y consume menos tiempo en comparación con las tuberías de goteo tradicionales. Todos los tipos de sistemas de riego por manguera por aspersión DEAR DEER tienen la notable ventaja de poder funcionar sin necesidad de filtro en la cabecera de la red de riego, especialmente si el agua que se utiliza es relativamente limpia. A veces, basta con abrir el clip final de la manguera del aspersor para eliminar la suciedad acumulada dentro de la manguera, manteniendo la eficiencia del sistema. Le Tuyau d'Irrigation à Arroseur Monotube AJ-101 DEAR DEER : La Solution Optimale et la Plus Simple pour l'Irrigation Agricole et Jardinage L'irrigation agricole est un élément essentiel de la croissance des cultures et du jardinage. Pour répondre à ces besoins, DEAR DEER présente le tuyau d'irrigation à arroseur monotube AJ-101, une solution fondamentale et économique pour une efficacité d'irrigation accrue. Dans cet article, nous explorerons les caractéristiques de ce tuyau, ses avantages, et comment il peut être utilisé pour optimiser l'irrigation des cultures. La Simplicité et l'Efficacité du Tuyau d'Irrigation à Arroseur Monotube AJ-101 Le tuyau d'irrigation à arroseur monotube AJ-101 se présente comme un tuyau plat, caractérisé par sa simplicité et son économie. Il est également connu sous plusieurs noms tels que "rain pipe", "rain tape", et "micro spray tube". Ce tuyau plat est doté de nombreuses orifices permettant une dispersion fine de l'eau. Il fonctionne efficacement sous une faible pression d'eau, ce qui garantit une distribution uniforme de l'eau. Son processus d'installation convivial permet de gagner du temps et de l'effort, contribuant ainsi à l'efficacité globale du système d'irrigation. La Polyvalence du Tuyau d'Irrigation à Arroseur Monotube AJ-101 Le tuyau d'irrigation à arroseur monotube AJ-101 est conçu pour être polyvalent. Il convient à différents types de cultures et peut être utilisé dans divers environnements agricoles, tels que les champs en plein air, les terrains sablonneux, les serres et les tunnels agricoles. Cette adaptabilité en fait un outil précieux pour les agriculteurs aux besoins de culture diversifiés. Lorsque le tuyau d'arrosage est placé au sol, l'eau est pulvérisée vers le haut dans l'air avant de descendre doucement, créant ainsi un effet similaire à une légère averse, pour irriguer les cultures en dessous. Cette qualité unique lui a valu les surnoms de "rain pipe" et "rain tape". L'Irrigation Sous Film Mulch avec Le Tuyau d'Irrigation à Arroseur Monotube AJ-101 DEAR DEER Le tuyau d'arrosage à arroseur monotube DEAR DEER est également adaptable et peut être utilisé pour l'irrigation sous film de paillage. En dirigeant l'eau à travers les pores du tuyau sous le film de paillage directement sur les racines des cultures, il améliore l'absorption d'humidité et favorise une croissance optimale des plantes. Cette adaptabilité permet aux agriculteurs de répondre aux besoins variés des cultures au sein d'un système d'irrigation. Différentes Arrangements de Pores pour Divers Besoins La diversité d'adaptabilité du tuyau d'arrosage à arroseur unique DEAR DEER réside dans sa capacité à concevoir des pores de pulvérisation de tailles différentes et des arrangements de pores divers selon les cultures et les champs. De plus, DEAR DEER propose également différents types de tuyaux. Pour un même système d'irrigation à arroseur, les agriculteurs peuvent répondre à des besoins différents en choisissant le tuyau d'arrosage DEAR DEER approprié. Efficacité Énergétique et Écologique L'une des caractéristiques les plus remarquables du tuyau d'arrosage DEAR DEER est son efficacité énergétique. Il fonctionne efficacement sous une faible pression d'eau, ce qui permet une distribution précise de l'eau. Cela permet non seulement d'économiser de l'eau, mais aussi de réduire la consommation d'énergie, en faisant ainsi un choix respectueux de l'environnement et à faible empreinte carbone pour les agriculteurs. Adapté à une Variété de Cultures Ce tuyau d'irrigation micro est idéalement adapté à une gamme diversifiée de cultures en terre sèche. Disponible en divers types et designs de pores, ces tuyaux sont adaptés à différentes variétés de cultures et à différents environnements agricoles. Ils trouvent leur utilité dans les champs en plein air, les terrains sablonneux, les serres et les tunnels agricoles. Particulièrement bénéfique pour les cultures nécessitant une micro-irrigation précise, la plupart des types de tuyaux d'arrosage fournissent l'humidité nécessaire avec précision. Installation et Maintenance Simplifiées L'installation et la maintenance du système d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage sont remarquablement simples, avec un risque minimal de colmatage. Ces caractéristiques contribuent à la distinction du système comme l'une des méthodes de micro-irrigation les plus rentables par rapport aux systèmes goutte-à-goutte traditionnels. Fertigation et Flexibilité L'intégration d'un système de fertigation à la tête du réseau d'irrigation peut également faciliter la livraison directe d'engrais liquides pour effectuer des fertilisations foliaires ou Nourrir directement les racines des cultures grâce à l’approvisionnement en eau sous le paillis. Des systèmes d'irrigation qui éliminent le besoin de filtres à eau Tous les types de systèmes d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage DEAR DEER ont l'avantage notable de fonctionner sans nécessiter de filtre à la tête du réseau d'irrigation, en particulier si l'eau utilisée est relativement propre. Parfois, il suffit d'ouvrir le clip d'extrémité du tuyau d'arrosage pour éliminer toute saleté accumulée à l'intérieur du tuyau, maintenant ainsi l'efficacité du système. Questions Fréquemment Posées Quelle est la durée de vie du tuyau d'arrosage AJ-101 ? Le tuyau d'arrosage AJ-101 DEAR DEER a généralement une durée de vie de 2 à 5 ans, en fonction de son utilisation et des pratiques d'entretien. Peut-on utiliser le tuyau pour différents types de cultures ? Absolument, le tuyau d'arrosage AJ-101 est polyvalent et convient à un large éventail de cultures, répondant ainsi à des besoins agricoles diversifiés. La maintenance sera-t-elle compliquée ? Non, l'entretien est simple en raison du risque minimal de colmatage du tuyau. Des vérifications périodiques et des procédures de rinçage simples suffisent pour maintenir son efficacité. Comment s'installe le système d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage ? Les systèmes d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage s'installent de manière similaire aux systèmes d'irrigation goutte-à-goutte, mais c'est plus simple. Le système d'irrigation par tuyau d'arrosage s'installe sans avoir besoin de filtre à la tête, en particulier si l'eau utilisée est relativement propre. Single irrigation sprinkler hose also named as rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube and so on. It is a flat hose with many pores on the hose to spray water mistily. Its hose wall is thin and operates in low water pressure, low energy consumption. In addition, the sprinkler hose irrigation system is easy to install, easy to maintain and low plugging. That makes the sprinkler hose irrigation system the lowest cost micro irrigation system compared with other micro irrigation systems. Laying on the ground, sprinkler hoses spray water upward into air and fall down softly to irrigate crops the same as little rain. AJ-101 single irrigation sprinkler hose is the basic type of sprinkler hose. This type is a single flat hose, simple and low price. To lay this hose we had better pull in the hose tensely, clamp it at the end and fix the end clip on the ground. This reduces turn aside spraying when the flat hose expands into a cylindrical and begins to irrigate. Sprinkler hose irrigation systems can operate without filters at head if the water is not very dirty. It only needs to open the end clip on the sprinkler hose sometimes and flush out dirt inside the hose. In addition, sprinkler hoses can irrigate under mulch film to flow water at the downside of mulch film and wet the crop directly. Add a fertigation system at the beginning of the irrigation system, it can bring fertilization with water to the roots of crops directly. With the suitable pores, a sprinkler hose can be a drip tape. It operates under low pressure with much less blocking, spending less time than a drip pipe. AJ-101 single sprinkler hose is a tape like hose with thin thickness to be punched with regular perforations. It is simplest and cheapest type.Irrigation sprinkler hose is a tape like flat hose for farm, field, greenhouse, net house irrigation. This flat hose have many tiny holes on the flat hose wall. It a micro irrigation system, mistier than any irrigation sprinklers. So it is also said as rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube. We can easily install several sprinkler hoses with T fittings, rigid pipes or flexible pipes and control valve as a farm irrigation system which easy to be maintained, cost-efficient, easy block elimination, short irrigation time, low irrigation pressure & energy. It is useful for field irrigation of crops in dry farmland.There are different ways to sprinkle for different farming such as open field, greenhouse, net house etc. This flat hose is especial useful for the plants which need water in short time.Useful life of sprinkler hose is around 2 to 5 years depended on your need.Our company can design and produce different types of perforation on this flat hose for different farm agriculture planting.There are different types of hose and different diameter of main sprinkling hose for different planting. The sprinkler hoses are laid on ground except AJ-104H or AJ-105 hanging sprinkler hose. All of them are flexible tubes.Irrigation Sprinkler Hose is also named rain tape, rain hose, perforated hose, soaker hose, soaker tape, emitter hose, fountain tube, kansui tube etc.While make sprinkler hose watering in the farmland, close the end of hose with end clip and fill the water into the hose. Most of the time it is used to sprinkle that makes it spreds evenly on the farmland at 2 sides of the hose and keep not to be blocked up. Specially if the water is clean it is not necessary to use filter. If the water is not very clean just to open the end of the sprinkler hose sometimes and let the sand in the hose flushed out.AJ-101 single sprinkler hose (rain pipe, rain tape, micro spray tube) is a tape like hose with thin thickness to be punched with regular perforations. It is simplest and cheapest type.This Single Sprinkler Hose can be used as the drip hose too in shorter length once the pressure is lower.An Jarl enterprise co., ltd. Beginning to be a workshop, has been a manufacturer of farm irrigation & farm implements for more than 30 years. In 1985 it was established to be a limited company.Our ISO 9001:2008 certified factory is in Kaohsiung, a city at southern Taiwan.Firstly we produced sprinkler hose & flat hose in Taiwan. Now we are growing to be an expert supplier in more farm accessories & farm agriculture irrigation system these years.Gradually our product series was expanded to mulch film, tunnel greenhouse films, accessories for agriculture & horticulture, irrigation sprinklers, micro irrigation sprinklers, field irrigation implements, cooling & moisture system, flat garden hose, soaker hose, flexible pipe, seedling trays, insecticide fog sprayer, fog nozzles, agriculture net etc. Our products are used in many farmlands for the planting of melons, fruits, vegetables, trees, tea, flowers and so on. Our customers are distributed throughout Taiwan, Japan, China and Southeast Asia, U.S.A etc. In recent years we have specially supplied many sprinkler hoses for farm irrigation of oil palms nursery in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Our products were the first choice to replace the high quality products made in Japan.Now we are expanding our farm equipment to more and more ranges. Besides products that are used in the open farmland, we also supply the accessories used in net houses and greenhouses. Our brand “DEAR DEER” is well-known in many farm agriculture area.The other new products are hanging sprinkler hose which can be hung indoors and outdoors to make a misty micro irrigation and let farmers have free space for land work. Besides farm parts the other business in our company is to be an ODM & OBM factory in plastic injection and extrusion. Except to manufacture agriculture & garden implements, we manufacture accessories of water purify system, sanitary ware etc. for some famous brands in Taiwan. Of course we produce T fitting & other fittings for irrigation systems also.We create new items every year, hear from customers and develop the products they need.The final target to us is to be a worldwide leader in the suppliers of agriculture & garden accessories in the near future. Features : AJ-101 single sprinkler hose is a tape like hose with thin thickness to be punched with regular perforations. It is simplest and cheapest type.This Single Sprinkler Hose can be used as the drip hose too in shorter length once the pressure is lower. Specification : One single hose with 2 or 3 or 4 perforations on it each section. Specifications: Size Hose folded width Length 1 1/4” 68 100 m 1” 58 100 m 3/4” 50 100 m oil palm nurseryroll of sprinkler hosebanana farm irrigationIrrigation Sprinkler Hose, AJ-100 series, sprinkler tape, lay flat tube, rain tape, rain pipe, rain hose, micro spray tube, micro spray hose, soaker hose, farm irrigation hose, kansui tube, selang irigasi
AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. SETS THE BAR HIGH WITH REVOLUTIONARY IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HOSE SERIES Get ready to revolutionize your farming experience with An Jarl Enterprise Co., Ltd.’s latest product series – the irrigation sprinkler hose, and farm irrigation hose under the brand name DEAR DEER. With over 40 years of experience in the agricultural industry, this Taiwanese company is an expert supplier of agriculture implements and farm irrigation systems, providing diverse items for agricultural use, including mulch film, irrigation sprinklers, and seedling trays. The irrigation sprinkler hose series providing an affordable and efficient method of farm irrigation. The system is designed to be low clogging, low pressure, and low energy consumption, making it easy to maintain and operate. This sprinkler hose system is an excellent micro-irrigation system suitable for various crops and farmlands. With different hole diameters, it can deliver a misty or light rain, rainy effect, making it ideal for crops that require watering in a short time. The system is also effective in greenhouses and net houses. The irrigation sprinkler hose series aims to provide farmers with quality equipment that does not require frequent maintenance. Our company's commitment to ensuring that their distributors do not receive negative feedback from customers or have to deal with customer complaints, allowing them to focus on their busy work. In conclusion, the launch of the irrigation sprinkler hose series is a testament to An Jarl Enterprise Co., Ltd.'s commitment to providing quality farming equipment. The company's dedication to innovation and creation has led to the development of new products every year, making them a leading manufacturer of farm irrigation and implements in Taiwan. Farmers and agricultural enthusiasts are invited to mail them to deardeer@anja.com.tw to inquire more about their products and services. ### About AN JARL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. An Jarl Enterprise Co., Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of farm irrigation and implements in Taiwan. Established in 1985, the company has over 40 years of experience in the industry and exports its products to various regions worldwide. They are an expert supplier of agriculture implements and farm irrigation systems, offering a diverse range of products, including mulch film, irrigation sprinklers, and seedling trays.